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How You’re Sabotaging Your Own Business - Learn How to Fix Internal Errors

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How You’re Sabotaging Your Own Business

You put a lot into your business and have a commitment to make it grow. It’s likely that you want to do more than provide for your family, you probably would like to leave a legacy, and, feel the satisfaction of accomplishment. However, what’s holding your company back from its potential isn’t necessarily sinister, uncontrollable, outside forces–it’s you who is the culprit. That might sound strange, but it’s a reality that plagues many organizations, from the mom and pop brick and mortar, to software as a service, to large community companies.

While you’re busy being busy and worrying about this and that, you’re likely missing some behaviors and practices you personally do to sabotage your own business. Sure, you know about your propensity to push yourself and try to keep a sound balance between work and home life, but, there are other ways you could be causing harm.

How You’re Sabotaging Your Own Business

Entrepreneurs have a dedication to an idea, and ironically, it’s that commitment which can cloud judgment, or, cause myopia–not seeing the bigger picture. There’s more to building a business than recruiting the right people, networking, and delivering a good level of service, along with the products or a services you offer or provide. Success begins with you, and, while you might have the drive to make it a worthwhile venture, you might also be impeding growth.

Most entrepreneurs have the drive and desire to succeed. It’s what we grow up learning and what we want from an early age. But many of us have also been adversely wired by negative experiences in ways that sabotage or hinder our chances of personal and business success. The good news is that we can rewire ourselves in ways that not only neutralize our negative programming, but also put us on an even stronger path to success. —Forbes

Most business owners understand that the right pricing, marketing, and brand building are crucial factors for success. What goes largely unnoticed is certain behaviors and practices that can inflict real damage, some of which can be long lasting. So, if you’re doing one of these things, identify them, and settle on a fix.

  • Over-promising. It’s easy to give-in to pleasing your customers, and, doing so is laudable. However, when you over-promise, you run the very real risk of coming-up short. That’s a bad place to be and finding a way out of such a situation won’t be simple.
  • Micromanaging. When you have every member of your organization under your thumb, you are sending a message that says you believe them to be incompetent. What’s more, you’re indirectly telling them they are only a tool, not an asset to your company.
  • Not delegating. It’s one thing to micromanage, but it’s not the same as not delegating. You can be hands-off and not delegate, which can create chaos and decrease efficiency, as well as output. You ought to delegate to streamline your organization and make it work better.
  • Keeping dead weight on staff. When you keep toxic team members on-board, you are sending a bad signal to others. What’s more, that particular person can project a negative image to your customers and to the outside world.
  • Not setting achievable goals. You’ve probably heard the Zig Ziglar quote, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” That’s certainly true, and, it’s just as true of setting goals that aren’t realistic. Set workable goals, reach them, and then repeat.

Another way you can easily sabotage your own business is to take things personally. There will be setbacks, even outright failures, and, you’ll lose good people along the way. Don’t take things personally because you’ll make emotional decisions, not sound ones.

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Former Employee becomes a Rival Without a Non-Compete Agreement — What Should I Do

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Network Event Do’s and Don’ts

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To accomplish this simple, yet challenging feat, you ought to know the do’s and don’ts of event networking. Network Event Do’s Go prepared. You ought to have a brief list of topics to discuss and/or experiences to share. It’s okay to go over these out loud and practice introducing yourself. Just don’t practice too much, or, it will sound rehearsed and artificial. Keep one hand free at all times. Keep your dominant hand free of snacks, drinks, and other objects. You’ll be able to freely shake hands without having an awkward moment to find a place to temporarily set something down. Know who to approach. Just because someone is standing alone doesn’t mean you ought to rush over to approach. Take a moment to read his or her face and body language. When you do make eye contact, confidently approach and introduce yourself. Look for opportunities to offer help. One of the most powerful and likable gestures is to ask questions and offer your assistance. Only offer to help when it’s realistic and be sure to follow-up. Don’t make the mistake of over-promising or over-extending. Network Event Don’ts Believe collecting business cards is a measure of success. Remember, the purpose of attending these events is to meet people — not just to collect business cards. If that’s all you accomplish, the whole exercise is for naught. Be on the lookout for someone else while speaking with another. If you do have the misfortune of getting into a boring conversation, find a gracious and courteous way to excuse yourself. What you should avoid is awkwardly scanning the room for someone else to speak with to break away. Try to impress others with jargon or facts. Using big words, insider jargon, or trying to impress with a barrage of facts is a turn off. It’s pretentious and tells others you lack self confidence. What’s more, it keeps you from having a genuine conversation. Speak over or interrupt others. This sounds obvious, but, it’s something that can be unintentional when you’re nervous. When you do approach someone else and introduce yourself, be courteous, ask polite questions, and listen. Yes, the purpose of attending Network Events is ultimately to acquire new business. However, do not go to a Network Event if that is your initial purpose. Your priority for attending a Network Event is to develop Relationships which you can foster over time into a business opportunity with that connection or with someone they introduce to you. Minimize your agenda, and spend time listening and asking the other person questions about themselves and their business. Show them genuine interest and watch how your relationship moves to trust even during the Network Event. Isn’t it more rewarding to leave a Network Event with 3 or 4 really good, meaningful connections where both of you developed a relationship and can follow up after the event to further explore opportunities together? When is the last time you attended a Network Event and made some meaningful connections that turned into real business? [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”26833294″]

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