BREAKING NEWS! Entrepreneurs who need to raise capital will have no restrictions!

Hi Everyone!

The moment many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived! About an hour ago, the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to approve the FINAL rules for Title III Equity Crowdfunding under the JOBS act legislation.

What this means is that in approximately 90 days, ANYONE, regardless of income, will be able to invest in a startup by purchasing shares or issuing debt and earning a financial return on their investment.

This also provides entrepreneurs who need to raise capital a HUGE new investor pool as there are no restrictions on income or net worth in order to make an investment (there are caps / safeguards however built into the legislation).

I will update you all as I get more information but today is a HUGE day to celebrate! To everyone who has been following this movement for the last few years, get ready for things to change in a HUGE way!

Manolis Sfinarolakis
Founder & CEO

This is great news for Entrepreneurs who want to raise funds from the general population.

I’ll post more on this later, in the meantime please share and celebrate!

John Waters

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BREAKING NEWS! Entrepreneurs who need to raise capital will have no restrictions!

Hi Everyone! The moment many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived! About an hour ago, the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to approve the FINAL rules for Title III Equity Crowdfunding under the JOBS act legislation. What this means is that in approximately 90 days, ANYONE, regardless of income, will be able to invest in a startup by purchasing shares or issuing debt and earning a financial return on their investment. This also provides entrepreneurs who need to raise capital a HUGE new investor pool as there are no restrictions on income or net worth in order to make an investment (there are caps / safeguards however built into the legislation). I will update you all as I get more information but today is a HUGE day to celebrate! To everyone who has been following this movement for the last few years, get ready for things to change in a HUGE way! Manolis Sfinarolakis Founder & CEO RCTV & VICN This is great news for Entrepreneurs who want to raise funds from the general population. I’ll post more on this later, in the meantime please share and celebrate! John Waters [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”26833294″]

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