Stress Points Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

Being an entrepreneur means being able to pursue a dream, to fulfill a passion, and to realize your full potential. It’s also a stressful role, even for the most intelligent and resourceful. Though we like to think of stress as just an inconvenient emotion, it can take a substantial toll on your health. It’s linked to heart disease, obesity, depression, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and more adverse health conditions. It’s also one of the most common conditions in starting a new venture or continuing to build a business. However, it doesn’t have to get the best of you.

Stress Points Entrepreneurs should Avoid

Stress is actually a biological response to certain conditions and situations. It consists of releasing hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which cause the body to physically and emotionally respond to its environment. In an entrepreneurial role, you’ll have a lot invested, which can include your personal savings, time, and effort. What’s more, you’ll be responsible for managing others. That’s certainly conducive to causing stress and you need to be equipped with the right response to make the right decisions.

In the business world, there’s a certain cache attached to being able to soak up all that stress. But people can’t keep putting themselves under a lot of pressure for a long time without consequences. Eventually something’s going to give. —

When you’re an employee, you deal with stress but it rises to a whole other level when you are running your own business. After all, it is you that’s “calling the shots,” and you are at the helm of the enterprise. Stop to think about the entire situation and it can be practically paralyzing. You’ll definitely have a lot to deal with when you’re running or starting a business and one of the single biggest challenges to overcome is how you deal with stress. Because of this, you should know the most common stress points and how to cope with them effectively:

  • Capital. Money is essential to business, but there will definitely be times when cash flow is anemic. You should learn to use free and low cost resources when money is lean. For instance, you can pay a freelancer that’s just starting out, or, can take-on a little more personally to keep costs down.
  • Promises. As a business owner, you’ll make promises on a regular basis. When an unexpected event takes shape, it can seriously throw-off your working timeline. When possible, you should rearrange your schedule and revisit your priorities to make good on your promises.
  • Commitments. Alongside promises are your commitments. When starting or running a business, it’s often tempting to fully load your schedule to help build your brand. This can take its toll, so, think about what’s most important and only commit to these.
  • Clients. While clients are the lifeblood of your business, early on, you’ll probably take anyone who comes across your radar. Over the course of running your business, it’s helpful to reexamine which clients are worth the effort and which are making your journey an agonizing proposition.
  • Talent retention. Having talented people on your team is key to success but this comes with a cost. Said cost rises as time goes on and you’ll face one or more moving-on sooner or later. Instead of fretting over the loss, look at it as an opportunity to forge a strategic partnership.

Though these are all real and can be large problems, one stress point is particularly painful: the unknown. As the saying goes, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” That however, is true with just about everything in life. Instead of letting it worry you, look at it as a new opportunity to embrace. Even if you fail at this or that, it serves as a lesson learned which helps to make you a better leader. Remember, we learn far more from our failures than our successes because it’s easier to deconstruct.

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Guest Post: How To Collect Receivables Faster

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