How to Turn Your Idea into a Business

It’s easy to turn your skills into a business. That’s one thing. You already have methodologies and experience. But, what if you just have an idea? Something you can’t seem to shake? It’s there day-in and day-out. You simply can’t get it out of your head. But, you’re afraid to tell anyone because you’re not sure it has merit. Or, it’s a take on something else that’s a proven model. Whatever the case, you’re eager to turn your idea into a business.

How to Know when It’s Time to Start a Business

The biggest barrier people have to starting-up a business isn’t money. It’s not a lack of motivation. The largest barriers are self-imposed. It’s over thinking things. In other words, a kind of paralysis by analysis. People come up with all sorts of reasons they can’t start a business. Funds. Time. Competition. Take your pick because there’s no lack of excuses. Which ultimately, that’s what these so-called reasons really are in practice.

Ideas are just ideas. An idea is the seed of a successful product or service. Without proper care and maintenance, it will not bloom. Ideas require solid research of the target market, a good strategy and a sound business plan, without which, ideas cannot go much further. If you want to start a business and make a go of it, you need more than just an idea. —

We’ve all heard the success stories about entrepreneurs who didn’t give up. Take Walt Disney for example. Turned down by lender after lender, he never gave up. So many years later, we all see his crazy idea as a terrific business. Now, those theme parks are the best of the best. But, it all started with an idea — nothing more.

How to Turn Your Idea into a Business

Of course, you might not think your idea is necessarily business worthy. However, you don’t know until you give it a genuine try. Although it’s intimidating, there’s a big reward just waiting if you put in the effort. Here’s a few suggestions for how you can turn your idea into a business:

  • Ask friends and family for feedback. Don’t let fear stand in your way. Your idea needs feedback. If you speak with a few people about it, you’ll learn something interesting. This is a great way to flesh it out. And, it might even give you more ideas that contribute in a wonderful way.
  • Try to find working versions of it. If your idea isn’t out there as a reality yet, chances are excellent there’s something like it. Look for similar businesses and see how they operate. Even if it’s a new take on a common business model, you’ll learn through some simple research.
  • Start by giving it away for free. Next, put it into action. Set aside some time to give it away for nothing (or a very cheap price). When you put it into practice, you’ll see where it naturally takes you. And, you’ll also learn if it can actually be monetized.
  • Be ready to rework it along the way. Of course, you’ll need to give yourself permission to make mistakes. Use them to your advantage to better the service or product. As you do it over and over again, you’ll refine the process.

What other suggestions do you have to turn an idea into a business? Where did you start your company? How can someone set up for success with just an idea? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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