Best Ways to Practice Self-Promotion

Social media is a great way to promote your business. But, it alone certainly isn’t enough. You have to practice self-promotion and do it right to make it really pay off. Sure, you can effectively use social media to increase brand awareness. However, it does lack a personal touch. That’s why you need to get out and represent your company. The problem with this is, most people just don’t know where to start. Others make the mistake of over doing it. Still a few more tepidly practice self-promotion but only with great restraint because they don’t want to give off the wrong impression.

Self-Promotion and Selfishness

Make no mistake about it, self-promotion is paramount to growing your business. What you need to avoid is confusing it with being selfish. You see, self-promotion isn’t really about being selfish. (Unless you’re totally selling for your own benefit alone.) In other words, you shouldn’t feel guilty about promoting your brand because it has something of value to offer. That’s the whole purpose of being in business — to fulfill a need.

Marketing is a lot like fishing—some companies cast a wide net to scoop up whatever they can get, while others use bait and wait it out until the right customer takes a nibble. To be successful, you need a combination of both techniques to not only grab a large number of new customers at once, but to also allow new business to continuously trickle in through referrals, word of mouth, and general curiosity. —

So, don’t make the big mistake of thinking it’s all about you. Keep in mind that your customers get something valuable in return. And, both of you benefit from each transaction. This means that it’s a win-win scenario. You just have to see it for what it truly is and not fall prey to thinking it’s wrong to make a profit. Only when you don’t deliver on your promises is it unethical (and probably illegal).

Best Ways to Practice Self-Promotion

Now, let’s get to the most effective ways to practice self-promotion. You should know how to behave because your actions will definitely speak louder than words. Here are some helpful tips for how to practice self-promotion:

  • Practice awareness. You can’t network in a vacuum. If you’re promoting your business, there is more than one person in the room. Keep this fact in mind. You need to read the other person or group and interact accordingly. If you fly blind, you’ll inevitably hit a wall.
  • Always be gracious. Remember that polite manners go a long way. But just because someone gives you an opening to talk about your business doesn’t mean they are asking for a shameless sales pitch. Keep it short, succinct, and kind.
  • Offer something interesting. Sometimes, it’s very tempting to rattle off numbers. Or, go into details. But remember it’s important that what you share is interesting. Otherwise, you’re not only boring the other person, you’re undermining your own efforts.
  • Never be dishonest. Of course, you should always be honest about what you have done and can deliver. Don’t embellish or exaggerate because it will come back to bite you. Besides, if you mislead someone, the relationship begins with a lie. And, that’s never good for business.

How do you promote your business? What self-promotion tactics work best for you? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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