Here’s the Real Reason MoviePass is Failing So Spectacularly (Hint_ It’s Not what You Think)

MoviePass is failing in-part because it didn’t fully understand the business on which it tried to build its own empire. A slew of news interviews with theater operators points this fact out. They say the service just doesn’t understand how the cinema business works. But, perhaps more importantly, what’s caused things to go so badly in such a short time is it was always too good to be true.

In other words, the company overpromised. That’s really why the startup is quickly sputtering out-of-control. And, it’s what gets far too many fledgling companies in big time trouble. Eager to please and deliver jaw-dropping results, they promise the moon and hardly leave earth’s atmosphere.

Biggest Overpromising Pitfalls

Undoubtedly, critics say it’s time to face reality and close up shop. Irate subscribers and suing shareholders might disagree. (The former wants out, while the latter wants its investment money back.) But, it’s now apparent the movie-selling service just can’t operate as it has. And, for good reason. When you overpromise, you put undue pressure on yourself. Not to mention, you artificially raise expectations to unreachable heights.

How many times has a salesperson promised to increase your company’s exposure by 50%, double your client list, and quadruple your profit margin? In this age of instantaneous satisfaction (thanks, technology!), many entrepreneurs and corporate leaders are so eager to appease stakeholders and worried about the bottom line that they seize amorphous opportunities and are disappointed with the results. —

There’s more downsides to overpromising. You’re not only letting down one customer, you’re also sending a message that you just aren’t competent or capable of delivering. Then, there’s also the fact that you create resentment among your employees — toward you and each other.

3 Effective Ways to Avoid Overpromising

So, how do you avoid the trap of overpromising. After all, you want to sell your business as the solution. Here are a few helpful suggestions for how to avoid overpromising:

  • Learn your customer’s expectations first. Before you begin making promises about what you can do for someone, be sure to ask about their expectations. There’s no good reason to offer lofty solutions or goals when you don’t know what’s really needed.
  • Be completely open, honest, and transparent. As you’re talking with your customer (and with your own team), it’s very important to always be honest. One of the fastest ways to invite disaster is to keep secrets. It’s just counterproductive to hold back because it will eventually come back to bite you.
  • Keep all communications flowing between everyone involved. Communication either solves or prevents a whole lot of misunderstandings. It’s not enough to just be honest but also, to make yourself accessible. When everyone communicates, everyone is on the same page. And, that’s an invaluable element since it paves the way to success when all parties are on-board and totally in-the-know.

What other ways do you avoid overpromising? Or, what other advice would you give? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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