Apple, Amazon Hit $1 Trillion while Brick-and-Mortars Lose — Here’s the Lesson

News recently hit that Apple and Amazon have reached $1 trillion in market value. Wow. That’s really something but not unexpected. After all, it was only a matter of time. Meanwhile, brick-and-mortar retailers continue to struggle — especially legacy stores. So, why such a disparity? We all know the quick answer — failure to adapt to a changing marketplace. (It’s why there’s just one, lone Blockbuster in the entire United States.) The underlying lesson is the ones getting left behind might have well enjoyed a lot of past success. But now, they’re stuck. And, that’s the most important takeaway.

How to Know if You’re Stuck

So, what does it mean to be stuck? More importantly, what does it feel like? Unfortunately, this is a phenomenon which isn’t always readily apparent. It might slowly creep up and surprise you in an unexpected moment. The good news is, you can usually tell. For instance, if you just don’t experience the thrill or feel the passion. That’s the most obvious.

It’s not uncommon for a business to begin to spin its wheels. For you company owners, it will feel like you’re treading water, and while you may not wake up to it right away, eventually it will start to weigh on your mind. Most of the time, these periods will pass, as they may simply be down to such things as seasonal trends or other outside market forces. But when they drag on too long, it could indeed be time to make some significant changes.

A more subtle telltale sign is when you rationalize a rut as a normal routine. Or, when you see the competition moving ahead, yet you can’t seem to make any real headway. Those too, are signs you’re stuck in-place.

Tops Ways to Get Unstuck

Now, if you feel stuck, you probably are and fortunately, there are ways out. The good news is, you don’t have to make huge changes. Here are a few helpful suggestions for how to get unstuck:

  • Try something new. Change up your routine. Or, go in a different direction. The point is to try something new out and do so with flexibility. In other words, don’t go all-in. Instead, slowly dip your toes in the water and test it out. You’ll probably feel excitement and even experience some inspiration.
  • Take an impromptu hiatus. You probably have a trip planned. But, in the meantime, there you are, feeling stuck; feeling uninspired. So, change it up and take an impromptu hiatus to relax, refresh, and unwind. You’ll come back with a whole new outlook.
  • Reach out to an experienced business coach. One of the reasons you feel stuck is because you’re stuck inside of you. Put another way, you’re not looking at things with a fresh set of eyes. Get a different perspective and advice from an experienced business coach. Take advantage of seeing what someone on the outside sees. Then, embrace what you learn.

What other suggestions would you offer to get unstuck? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

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