Alex Jones, InfoWars, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — Why it’s All Gone So Bad

Alex Jones is all over the news. His controversial content sparked a national conversation about free speech. And, social media corporations have received public pressure to remove the conspiracy theorist’s presence. They’ve mostly complied. Regardless of what you think about the man, it not only brings up the issue of free speech but also puts another dynamic at the forefront. That is the age-old saying, “One bad apple can ruin the bunch.” Or, in this case, how these various social networks put themselves in an untenable condition.

How One Bad Employee can Damage a Company

The real crux of the matter comes down to the fact that social sites do police and prohibit certain types of content. (Violent images, pornography, and more.) But, we’ve seen that just one user can easily tarnish the reputation of the entire platform. The same holds true for business. A bad employee can utterly damage a company. Once the damage is done, it becomes an even larger issue.

There’s that one person on your team — the bad apple who has nothing positive to say, riles up other team members, and makes work life miserable. If you can’t fire him, how do you respond to his behavior? What feedback do you give? How do you mitigate the damage he inflicts? —Harvard Business

All it takes is a single instance of an egregious behavior. Or, a pattern of bad practices that go without correction. This is why Disney parks enforce so many employee behavior rules. The theme parks are selling experiences. And, all it takes is one bad encounter to absolutely ruin a whole family’s trip. Because, that’s what they’ll most remember — the bad stuff. If you don’t believe this, just look at the statistics about how many people an unhappy customer will tell their friends about a bad experience. It’s double, even triple, the number of people a happy customer will tell others about a good experience.

3 Ways to Prevent Employees from Ruining Your Business

If you sense or have already encountered a situation where an employee is damaging your company, you must take action immediately. Here are some effective ways to prevent employees from ruining your business:

  • Privately deal with the bad behavior. Once it’s happened, you can’t ignore it. Bring the employee in for a private chat. Have an honest talk about the circumstances and give positive guidance. Then, follow up periodically to ensure things are going well.
  • Regularly monitor everyone for toxic behavior. Yes, one bad apple will ruin the bunch. And, this goes for employees. Bad attitude easily spreads throughout a business’ culture. So, keep your eyes open and listen for any negativity.
  • Encourage team members to openly recognize one another. It’s not just on you as the leader. Encourage employees to praise each other and encourage one another when appropriate. The more positive the environment, the better.

How do you deal with bad employees? What methods are the most effective? Please comment and share your thoughts and experiences!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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