If You Work Even When Your Not at Work You Need to Stop and Read This

Work, work, work, work. It’s a well-established entrepreneurial behavior. And, in the age of on-demand information and immediate connectivity, it’s only getting worse. Unfortunately, too many people are a part of an always-at-work culture. Sure, they love what they do. But, it causes burn out and just isn’t healthy. If you’re constantly working, even when you’re not at work, you’re not alone. So, read on to learn a few ways to effectively deal with it.

A Different Look at the Always-at-Work Behavior

We’ve talked about wasting time. And, in a very real sense, that’s what you’re doing when you’re working when you’re not actually at work. In other words, the fact that you’re not truly in the moment means you’re only cheating yourself and the others around you.

Depending on the job and the employer’s expectations, which should be clearly outlined, employees who accept a job and commit to meeting those expectations need to accept that they are “on call” and be willing to answer communications. However, remember the old adage, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Everyone deserves some time to disconnect. —Forbes.com

Think about it for a moment. If you are constantly distracted by work, you’re effectively taking time away from family and friends because you’re not enjoying what’s going on. In fact, you don’t even need to be there since it’s not what’s capturing your attention.

How to Prevent Workaholic Urges

Now, it’s one thing to “know” there’s an issue but a totally different thing to do something about it. After all, you’ll have to fight through those feelings that push you into your always-at-work disposition. So, let’s take a look at some effective ways to prevent workaholic urges:

  • Recognize there’s a problem. You’ve probably heard this a number of times. It’s unavoidably true. You must start by recognizing there is a real problem. Then, commit to make a change. Don’t beat yourself up too much if you slip now and again because that’s just part of the process.
  • Ask for help from your team. You’ll need to enlist the help of your team to make real strides. Tell them to keep work at work. You’ll probably find they are happy to help out.
  • Establish a set turn-off time. Another way to get away from the urge to work is to establish a set turnoff time. (A good time is when it’s time to cook dinner or sit down for dinner.)
  • Learn to indulge in relaxation. Relaxation isn’t a bad thing. So, stop treating it like it is the end of the world because it isn’t. Find something you enjoy and take time to enjoy it.
  • I am personally working on myself too! I recently took a break to Mexico with my 14 year old daughter to unplug. Guess what, I plugged in my lap top to work in the mornings and found myself working until noon on a few days! Not good! I actually felt a small amount of anxiety because of my actions. I am now working on a better plan for unplugging.

How else do you get away from the urge to work all the time? What other methods and strategies do you use? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

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