Effective Ways to Show Your Employees You Actually Care

Happy employees are great employees. It’s that simple. When your team members feel good about their work and its environment, your company benefits immensely. It’s certainly no secret that any organization’s survival (and profits) rely almost solely on its employees. Furthermore, unhappy employees will do more to drag down your business than any other factor. So, it’s very important your team members feel appreciated.

Why Appreciative Employees are the Most Productive and Loyal

Okay, there’s no mystery to the reality that appreciative employees are indeed the most productive and loyal. When people are treated — not only with respect and adulation — they respond in positive ways. And, creating this culture does much to make the entire entity stronger and more cohesive.

Employees who feel appreciated feel valued. And when people feel valued, they’re more likely to go above and beyond for the organization. They’re quicker to hold themselves accountable for their part of a project. Most importantly, they’re happier in their roles, which means, they’re less likely to leave. When leaders disregard opportunities to connect with their team and show employees their appreciation, they lose a secret weapon in building a dedicated, long-term team.

Everyone wants to be treated fairly and feel valued. When you routinely act in a way that imparts your thankfulness, your team will definitely pick up on it. The result is a better workplace and one that delivers on each and every project.

How to Show Your Employees You Care about Them

Other than competitive pay and good benefits, how do you show your employees you really appreciate them and what they do? Well, there are some subtle and overt ways to show employees you really care about them:

  • Give them extras. We’ll start with the most obvious. Reward them with little extras. An additional paid day off. Tickets to a show or game. A gift card. There are dozens of little things you can do to overtly show your appreciation. And do this when they least expect it, and where possible, reward them in front of their peers.
  • Get to know them. A subtle way to show employees you care is just to get to know them. Talk with them about things other than work. Check in on their sick mother, or pets or kids school projects or sports. Sure, it sounds all-too-obvious but you’d be surprised just how many bosses only talk about work.
  • Let them be the boss. Here’s an interesting idea — be a coach and not a “boss.” This approach allows employees to feel empowered. In other words, let them be their own boss. Employees who are given the reins are happier and more productive team members.
  • Show you have their back. The customer is always right, right? No. Reality is quite different. There are times when the customer is wrong and when an employee is in their crosshairs, let him or her know you have their back.

What other ways do have you shown appreciation and how do they work? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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