Here’s What You Need to Know About the ATT and Apple 5GE Sleight of Hand

In case you haven’t yet heard, a new type of communication technology is on its way — 5G. It’s the fifth-generation cellular system, coming to replace 4G, the fourth-generation. And, it promises to deliver a whole new level of speed. Some experts forecasts speeds of 100x greater. In fact, it’s so fast, the wireless connections will easily rival hard-wired connectivity of the old system.

So, it’s no wonder carriers and handheld device manufacturers are ready to get it out into the marketplace. Trouble is, it will take some time to roll out. But, that isn’t stopping two companies from getting-in on the action ahead of time.

What Consumers Need to Know about the AT&T and Apple 5GE Marketing Campaign

Recently, AT&T started to display “5GE” on select Android phones. Then, this week, Apple joined in, doing the same for some of its iOS devices. The problem is, “5GE” isn’t 5G tech. It stands for “5G Evolution.” This sleight of hand isn’t new.

We want results, and we want them now. Your customers want the same thing and are willing to pay for it. A temptation could arise to promise them quick results when you know that’s not going to be the case. This kind of short-sighted thinking hurts your business in the long run. —

Companies have done this type of thing before. Of course, it’s misleading, to say the least. Customers might think they’re on a real 5G network, via a real 5G device. Although, the move hasn’t gone unnoticed. Rival T-Mobile posted a short video mocking AT&T, with a caption reading “didn’t realize it was this easy, brb updating.” Others have also joined in, rightly criticizing the move.

3 Real Costs of Deceptive Business Practices

Now, the word will most definitely spread and people will catch-on to the ruse. So, it’s important to look at the impact of such misleading marketing and what it can really do. Here are the three biggest effects of deceptive marketing:

  • Customers suffer. Needless to say, customers obviously suffer because such tactics instill a strong sense of distrust. If a business puts out misleading claims, when discovered, customers won’t trust it. What’s more, they’ll also become skeptical about other things.
  • Businesses suffer. While the sleight of hand might payoff in the short-term, the long-term consequences can be quite severe. Word of mouth will spread and that could prove enough to bring about the demise of a business.
  • Employees suffer, too. When a business tries to fool its customers, the employees will take the brunt of the blow-back. It’s not fair for employees to suffer undeserved consequences.

What else would you add to the list? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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