Should I Build an App for My Business

If you’re thinking about building an app for your business, there are a few things you should know. Yes, these can be great marketing and communication tools, but there are most definitely downsides.

So, it’s important to understand a few key factors in order to make an informed decision. As with anything else, there are pros and cons.

Biggest Business App Cons

The first negative is the cost. Not only the initial expense to build out the application but the ongoing costs associated with maintaining it.

Then, there is the use factor. Just how useful will this app be to your customers? Remember, even if it provides a lot of necessary function, there’s another challenge, which is adoption.

From a business standpoint, a dedicated mobile app can offer a variety of new capabilities and benefits. Mobile apps allow you to engage customers on a deeper level, building stronger customer relationships and allowing access to a suite of features that can help retain existing customers, encourage repeat purchases, and tap into brand new markets. But it’s not all upside: mobile apps come with drawbacks, as well. —Small Biz Daily

Consumers already suffer from a phenomenon known as app fatigue. And, the numbers are astounding. Fewer than .01 percent of all mobile apps will return a positive ROI. Also, approximately 52 percent of all mobile apps lose at least half their peak users after just three months.

Additionally, any changes will incur substantial costs. In other words, changing up or integrating new features will prove expensive.

Top Business App Benefits

Of course, it’s not all bad news. There are some good reasons to build a mobile app for a business. Here are the largest advantages of having an app for your business:

  • Speed. Desktop websites and even mobile sites are generally slower. By contrast, mobile apps usually sport a quicker response time, which is key.
  • Communication. Mobile apps offer a few different methods of communications, all from the same jumping point. Plus, you can send push notifications to let customers know about an upcoming event, discount offers, and other important information.
  • Ease of access. Another attractive feature of a mobile app is the fact it’s always within reach. Customers do not have to remember a web address or conduct an online search to find important information quickly.
  • Exclusivity. When someone opens an app for a business, be it for a restaurant, hotel, or retailer, they are there for a specific purpose. And, because it’s your app, the experience is exclusive. Plus, there’s no threat of distractions like there is in organic search, a browser with several open tabs that compete for attention, or even a desktop site which might display ads.

What other upsides and downsides would you add to this list? Have you built an app for your business? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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