How to Manage Your Teleworking Staff

Managing a staff remotely presents a number of challenges, some of which are completely unexpected. When a business first goes to a telecommuting or teleworking structure, it naturally undergoes some growing pains to adjust to the new dynamic. Although it is ostensibly more beneficial, cutting down on some expenses, and providing more convenience to staff who no longer have to commute, there are still some issues which can arise. So, it’s best to know what to expect.

The Upsides of Telecommuting for Small Businesses

There are a number of advantages to remote work situations. It gives team members more flexibility with their schedules. Also, it cuts down, if not nearly eliminates, office politics. Additionally, another benefit is that it can reduce operating costs, having to rely less on a dedicated, physical location.

Particularly for small businesses, telecommuting seems an effective strategy for maximizing a workforce while still keeping costs low. You don’t need to pay for a centralized office space or deal with a drive to work, but you do have to contend with YouTube, Facebook and myriad other online distractions. —American Express

But, it also means having to wrangle with coordination efforts, relying on different forms of communication, along with various other things to work out. With just a bit of tweaking here and there, it’s possible to make it work and even to reach a point where pretty much everything flows seamlessly.

Ways to Manage Your Teleworking Staff

Of course getting from Point A to Point B requires a combination of ingenuity, cooperation, and some out of the box thinking. To effectively manage a remote staff, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Clarify roles. Each team member must clearly understand his or her role within the organization to eliminate duplication of effort, gaps in productivity, and more troublesome issues. Every person should have a defined, central role, as well as alternative responsibilities, just in case there is a need.
  • Set expectations. In addition to defining everyone’s role, you’ll also need to clearly delineate your expectations. Otherwise, people won’t know exactly what you want out of them, and that’s a recipe for disaster.
  • Develop procedures. It’s pretty straightforward to set up and explain and demonstrate procedures in a face-to-face environment, but presents quite a challenge with remote staff. This is where most of the initial communication will be necessary, in order to coordinate how things should be done.
  • Set Regularly Scheduled Conference Calls. Regular communication is key with your staff in order to develop relationships and high trust cultures with accountability. Have a set time and day with a set agenda on key performance metrics and results, project updates, review current challenges and opportunities and collaborate openly so that there is a sense of community. Use a video conference application like ZOOM or or other for more effective communication.
  • Understand security issues. With remote work comes the risk of work-product being compromised. You need to learn about and address any potential issues by being proactive as possible.
  • Reach out for help when needed. Lastly, if things just don’t seem to work, you should seek help with the right people. you might need to consult or hire a technical professional in order to get everything you need in order for the system to be fully functional.

What other suggestions do you have? Please, share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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3 Ways Business Owners and Entrepreneurs can Find more Free Time

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Pros and Cons of Building a Mobile App for a Small Business

Small businesses often struggle with the decision of whether or not to build a mobile app. On one hand, there are many advantages to having an app – it can help increase brand credibility, engage customers, provide a personalized experience, act as a direct marketing channel, and let businesses create a loyalty program. However, on the other hand, there are also several disadvantages to consider – such as the cost of developing and maintaining an app, complying with Apple and Google’s store security and performance policies, the phenomenon of consumer app fatigue, and lack of customer use. In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to develop an app for your small business. Biggest Advantages of Building a Mobile App for a Business Another advantage of having a mobile app is customer engagement. A study by Forrester found that 78% of smartphone users check their phone within 15 minutes of waking up, while 60% check their phone within 15 minutes of going to bed (Forrester, 2014). This constant connection gives businesses a unique opportunity to engage with their customers throughout the day. Creating a loyalty program or sending push notifications about sales and promotions can help increase customer engagement and keep your business top of mind. As consumers become increasingly connected with businesses on their smartphones and devices, many businesses develop mobile apps to connect with their customers. If your company is going the app route, you want to be sure it’s worth your time and money. While a mobile app can be an invaluable tool for many companies, certain company types may not necessarily need one. — Building a mobile app can also provide a more personalized experience for your customers. With an app, you can collect data about your customer’s usage patterns and preferences which can then be used to customize the experience for each individual. This is much harder to do with a website because there is less data available about how users interact with it. For example, if you own a clothing store, you could use the data collected from your app to show each user relevant products based on their previous purchases and browsing history. This personalized experience can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Finally, having a mobile app gives businesses a direct marketing channel to reach their customers. With over 90% of Americans owning a cellphone (Pew Research Center, 2019), businesses have a unique opportunity to reach a large audience with targeted messages. You can use push notifications to send special offers and announcements directly to your customer’s phones. This is an effective way to increase sales and improve customer retention. Common Disadvantages of Building an App for a Business While there are many advantages to building a mobile app for your small business, there are also some disadvantages that you should be aware of before making the decision. One of the main disadvantages is cost. Developing and maintaining an app can be expensive, especially if you hire a professional company to do it for you. In addition, you will also need to pay Apple and Google a yearly fee to keep your app in their respective app stores. Another disadvantage of having a mobile app is that you have to comply with the security and performance policies of both Apple and Google. This can be difficult and time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the technical aspects of building an app. If your app does not meet these standards, it could be removed from the store which would damage your business’s reputation. Despite the disadvantages, there are still many advantages to building a mobile app for your small business. These include increased brand credibility, improved customer engagement, and a more personalized experience for your customers. In addition, an app can act as a direct marketing channel and provide you with valuable feedback about your products and services. If you do your research and assess the needs of your target market, you can decide if a mobile app is right for your small business. What are some other pros and cons of building a mobile app for a small business? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Is Your Business Really Ready to Expand in the Coming New Year

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