5 Effective Methods for Coping with Fear and Anxiety Right Now

Anxiety, stress, fear, and even anger. All these emotions result from a lack of control in a state of uncertainty. And, little else can describe the current state of events. It’s a time filled with unknowns and that’s not good for the human condition. After all, no one really relishes living in an environment of uncertainty.

What Causes Fear and Anxiety

This is precisely what triggers feelings of fear and anxiety — uncertainly. Having little to no idea of what to expect next or, being without any sense of control. It’s a combination of these two elements which cause anxiety, stress, fear, anger, and more negative emotions.

For many people, the uncertainty surrounding coronavirus is the hardest thing to handle. We don’t know how exactly we’ll be impacted or how bad things might get. And that makes it all too easy to catastrophize and spiral out into overwhelming dread and panic. But there are many things you can do—even in the face of this unique crisis—to manage your anxiety and fears. —Help Guide International

The good news is, even during the most uncertain and stressful times, you can do something to deal with such negative emotions. Better yet, once you begin to establish even a small sense of control, you’ll start to feel empowered and that by itself is a huge relief.

5 Ways to Cope with Fear and Anxiety

To deal with anxiety and fear, you have to first accept your current set of circumstances. Fighting reality simply won’t work, because it can’t be changed. However, you can change how you respond to fear and anxiety by doing the following:

  • Contextualize. Your first step toward conquering or at least coping with fear and anxiety is to contextualize. Here’s an example. Money is tight and bills are due. But, it’s only a temporary circumstance. It’s not an end-of-life situation. You will get through it and putting things in context is a big help.
  • Take small steps. Next, you’ll need to take small steps in order to feel a sense of control. Sticking with the example above, you can reach out to vendors and ask what can be done. Just by communicating and better understanding the what’s actually going on will give you a sigh of relief.
  • Limit news consumption. You’ve probably already heard this advice several times. So, take it to heart. Limit your exposure to news media, including social media, and other outlets. You only need to keep tabs on key developments but not bombard yourself with big doses.
  • Revisit and revisit your goals. Now is a great time to revisit and revise your goals. This will help you to see and feel better about the future. And, it will also provide you with a sense of new possibilities, which is very empowering.
  • Visualize and start to execute. It’s also a good time to visualize and execute. Although you may not be able to take things fully to fruition, you can at least start and that too, will help to give you a sense of control, accomplishment, and hope.

What other suggestions do you have to combat feelings of anxiety and fear? Please comment and share your thoughts and experiences!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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These Marketing Channels area Waste of Money

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How Business Owners can Deal with Bad Managers

There’s a plethora of advice for how to deal with bad managers — from an employee’s role. But, little is out there about how to deal with a poor manager for business owners. Entrepreneurs rely on a number of other individuals to make things happen. Everyone onboard is supposed to be onboard as a team. Sadly, there are times when a manager’s style is counterproductive to the larger organization. Fortunately, there are some effective ways entrepreneurs can deal with bad managers. Bad Managers Undermine Good Employees You’ve probably heard the old computer software cliche that “garbage in equals garbage out.” Meaning, if the right ingredients aren’t entered, the output will totally reflect its input. This same sentiment goes for your company’s team members. If employees have the right management leadership, their performance will reflect it. However, if that leadership is poor, you’ll get poor results. Bad management can impact employees and a company’s overall operations. Incompetent managers exist, and they can have challenges relating to staff members and keeping them motivated. In addition, substandard supervisors may not be able to balance budgets, increase revenues or capably perform other crucial tasks. —Houston Chronicle Small Business It’s a bit more difficult to manage a manager than it is an ordinary employee. Largely because these individuals are experienced and used to managing others — but not necessarily themselves. So, it’s entirely possible for them not to see their own flaws and shortcomings. If an employee under him or her doesn’t produce the right outcomes, a bad manager believes it’s because of the employee and not himself. Of course, this is circular logic and the situation will only worsen over time. 3 Effective Ways Business Owners can Deal with Bad Managers The good news is there are ways to get a wayward manager back on track. (Or, reform a bad manager into a good steward of their team members.) Here are three effective methods business owners can use to deal with bad managers: Identify their weaknesses. Okay, this goes under the “obvious” category. But, it’s something that simply cannot be ignored. By getting feedback from your employees and observing him or her in their official capacity, you can pinpoint his or her weaknesses (and strengths). Then, work with them to formulate a plan to help them overcome their weaknesses and rely more on their strengths. Don’t be overly critical. Instead, speak about their shortcomings in a transcendental way and emphasize their strongest traits. Always strive to set an example. Here’s another bit of obvious — but absolutely necessary advice — always strive to set an example. After all, if you run the company like the infamously bad side of Steve Jobs (who was reputedly a ruthless and hard-driving boss), expect the same behavior from your manager(s). But, run your company as a benevolent yet firm boss and your manager(s) will most likely follow your cue. When you make a mistake, own up to it and do so honestly and humbly. Give him or her public praise when deserved. This is difficult because it could easily backfire in a number of ways. Still, it’s necessary to bestow praise when and where it is due to encourage others and to foster a sense of unity. Of course, you can’t just praise your manager(s), you must also do the same for your employees. What other suggestions do you have for dealing with bad managers as a business owner? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your unique perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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