Should I Sell My Business During the Downturn or Wait until the Economy Rebounds

If you run a successful business — and have for many years — it’s understandable that during such an uncertain time as there is now, you might consider just getting out. This is particularly true for individuals who’ve enjoyed a good amount of success but just don’t want to go through another cycle that again puts them emotionally through the wringer. However, because of all of that’s going on in the economy, with things largely down, is it best to sell now or wait until the economy recovers?

The Downsides of Selling During a Recession

That’s really the million-dollar question. Of course, a recession will naturally be a more tough environment in which to sell. There will be fewer buyers available as small business credit tightens and even larger organizations avoid potential risk. So, you’ll probably find it a bit challenging to find a suitable buyer.

The Great Recession ended in 2009 and impacted the lives of many. Now as the economy appears to be headed into another downturn, it’s a good time to review how to take advantage of the recession instead of letting it take advantage of you. —Investopedia

Then, there’s another fairly obvious factor — will your business bring the amount you expect? Put another way, can you sell it for the same amount or near the same amount you would be able to during normal economic times? Also, how do you effectively market your business in order to attract the right type of buyer? (This is where an experienced business consultant/coach would come in very handy.)

The Advantages of Selling During a Recession

Conversely, there are some distinct advantages to selling during an economic downturn. Here are some benefits you should know about:

  • You might be able to leverage a slight discount. Okay, so that’s probably not what you want to hear, but this doesn’t mean giving your company away for an undervalued, low-ball price. What it does mean is being able to attract qualified buyers with the promise of a fair deal. By taking this approach, you may be able to sell it faster and move on to something else, or perhaps retire, in a shorter period of time.
  • You can separate out time-wasters from serious buyers. This is something just about any business that’s for sale encounters. People who talk a good game but never really follow through and actually take action. On the flip side, serious buyers will understand the overall economic circumstances. Therefore, they’ll be more sincere and eager to get the deal done. In other words, they’ll likely have their ducks in a row and be ready to proceed because they’re serious.
  • Remember that you’re in control. Very few business owners who decide to sell are completely comfortable with their decision. The majority will second-guess themselves over and over again, even after they go through with a transaction. The bottom line is, if you are able to get a fair price, it’s probably not worth risking waiting any longer, because the economic environment could worsen and that will most definitely hurt your chances of selling.

What other advice do you have? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences by commenting and giving others valuable feedback!

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