Hey Entrepreneurs, If You’re Comfortable in Your Role, You’re Probably Doing it Wrong

Comfort. It’s a wonderful feeling. When we’re comfortable, we feel secure, often content, and better still, in control. But, control is an illusion. Just like the security of a job or a long-established business. That is, until something goes seriously awry. Then, it becomes quite clear security is not forever. Comfort most definitely falls into the same category, but sometimes, for different reasons. So, if you’ve become comfortable in your role, chances are excellent you’re doing it wrong. Here’s why.

Comfort Usually Leads to Complacency

Isn’t it strange how the mind works? When someone thinks of “comfort,” he or she gets an entirely different feeling than when thinking about “complacency.” Sure, they are two different things. And, this becomes all-too apparent when compared with one another. Unfortunately, it’s at this juncture that reality sets in hard.
Making a concerted effort to challenge yourself will inspire you and help prepare your business for the future. As a result, you will be able to lead your company with the confidence that you’re making good decisions — because you are. —Entrepreneur.com
Someone who is comfortable is generally complacent. He or she typically doesn’t have any nagging concerns. It’s basically the manifestation of complacency. A point at which one’s guard is so far down, it might as well not exist. This state of mind is a precarious one because it can easily lead to bad outcomes. So, it’s best to be on one’s toes and that’s possible by stepping out of your comfort zone.

4 Big Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Professional Comfort Zone

You’ve probably heard this philosophy before — getting out of your comfort zone will be to your advantage. Moreover, it will do so in more than one way. For instance, it will, at the very least, help you to break away from the ordinary.
  • It breaks up routines. So, let’s start with the most obvious benefit. Stepping outside your comfort zone helps you to get away from routines (in other words, a disruption or end to the monotony). If you step outside your comfort zone, you can better reassess your schedule and inject a little (and much-needed) variety.
  • It gives you more creative chances. Breaking away from your comfort zone also gives you the opportunity to indulge in creativity. That can be beneficial in a number of ways. For example, the ability to think unconventionally and entertain solutions to difficult and/or stubborn problems.
  • It helps you effectively deal with stress. Another big advantage to stepping outside your comfort zone is that it helps teach you to more effectively deal with stressful situations. This lessens panic in uncertain times and that’s a very important trait to learn.
  • It provides opportunities to build confidence. Last but certainly not least, you’ll feel more confident when you successfully step away from your comfort zone. This, especially if you return to a normal routine thereafter. In a short period of time, you can again step away to build even more confidence.
What other suggestions do you have? Please take a brief moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your unique perspective! (You may never know who you’ll help out.) Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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