3 Necessary Replacement Manager Qualities

Replacing a manager in any size business presents a number of challenges. It’s not just finding the person with the right skill set, or the most experience, or even the best aptitude for the position, but all of these and more. Unfortunately, too many administrators and entrepreneurs only look at these types of qualities. They fail to factor in other intangibles that would benefit their team members the most. Read on to learn about the three most important qualities of a replacement manager.

Why Past Job Performance is No Guarantee of Future Success

You’ve no doubt heard or experienced two different cliches: that past performance of an investment is no guarantee of its future result, and the Peter Principle (the phenomenon of people rising to their highest level of incompetence). Unfortunately, this is where many administrators and business owners go wrong. They mistakenly believe that an individual’s past performance is indicative of future results. But, this just isn’t true.
Bad managers cost businesses billions of dollars each year, and having too many of them can bring down a company. The only defense against this massive problem is a good offense, because when companies get these decisions wrong, nothing fixes it. Businesses that get it right, however, and hire managers based on talent will thrive and gain a significant competitive advantage. —Harvard Business Review
Sure, it’s absolutely necessary to look at a candidate’s previous experience and performance. It’s also just as necessary to rely at least somewhat on their proven skill set and untapped potential. However, this isn’t likely to give you a good overall evaluation of how he or she will fit into his or her new role.

3 Important Replacement Manager Traits

One of the most difficult aspects of replacing a manager in any type of business is how he or she will be received by the team members he or she will lead. So, ask yourself if potential candidates have the following qualities:
  • Empathetic ears. There are many different kinds of managers out there, and some of them are a better fit for a promotion or lateral move than others. Depending on their new responsibilities, you most definitely want them to be ambitious and take ownership of their responsibilities. Equally so, it’s critical to have a manager who truly listens to their team members because this will be the perception employees have of the company overall.
  • Decision confidence. Obviously, if someone has all the experience and potential to move up or across, he or she should likewise possess a strong self confidence. In other words, a manager who doesn’t always have to rely on higher ups to make decisions, particularly ones that are relatively small. After all, you don’t want to put someone in a management role who just can’t make up their mind and constantly comes to you for those very reasons.
  • Golden rule follower. If there’s one thing that rank-and-file team members despise the most, it is managers who cannot follow their own rules. Hypocrisy, double standards, and negative traits such as these will quickly erode away employee morale and productivity. Nobody performs well under such types of management, because it is so counterproductive by its nature.
What other suggestions do you have for replacing a manager as a business owner? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your unique perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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