I can’t Afford to give My Employees Christmas Bonuses this Year, What can I Do Instead?

This year, a good number of businesses will continue to face the very unenviable position of not being able to afford employees’ holiday bonuses. For a sizable percentage of companies, it became an inescapable reality last year, obviously, due to the large-scale shutdowns across the country and overseas. While many businesses have recovered and regained a sense of normalcy, a significant portion still struggle. This means having to make hard choices when it comes to expenses that are not part of the business’s day-to-day operations. Fortunately, there are some alternatives to giving employees cash.

Turn a Negative Situation into a Positive One

When the economy or an industry takes a downturn, most entrepreneurs will take a good hard look at their books to determine exactly where they stand. Some make the mistake of cutting back too deeply, becoming too lean to fully operate, and only prolonging a bad set of circumstances. However, others embrace it as an opportunity to eliminate redundancies, reduce extra expenses, and put their resources where they most matter.
A holiday bonus is a traditional gift given to employees by employers each year as a big ‘thank you.’ Many managers and business owners want to give their hard-working employees a bonus at the end of the year. The unfortunate truth is that many cannot afford it in today’s economy. As a result, many companies have had to get creative by offering their employees something enticing that is not a cash bonus. —Optimum Employer Solutions
The latter strategy is obviously more effective because it makes the company more efficient. This type of audit should be done regularly since it’s so very easy to become blissfully ignorant of what’s actually happening with the business’ finances. Company owners who enjoy a nice regular profit line are typically the ones blindsided most when things change and go in the wrong direction. Regardless, if you really can’t afford holiday bonuses this year, be honest and upfront with your team members. This way, they will understand the gravity of the situation and be grateful for whatever you decide on as a substitute.

Employee Bonus Alternatives

Before you panic, be sure to know the exact numbers. The situation might not be as dire as you think. Although, if it isn’t truly feasible to give your employees holiday bonuses this year, here are some great alternatives:
  • Extra paid time off. What’s wonderful about this alternative is that employees will appreciate this just as much as bonuses. People like extra time off when they don’t have to forfeit anything and this will not cost the business anything directly out of pocket.
  • Incremental pay raises. Another option is to schedule incremental pay raises for every quarter over the next year. If possible, start this in the immediate future and your employees will feel appreciated and valued.
  • Better benefit packages. Yet another alternative to giving out bonuses is to give your employees better benefits which they can always use. Look into better health insurance, dental insurance, and other benefits
What other employee bonus alternatives would you suggest? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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My Spouse and I Opened a Business and it’s Ruining Our Marriage — What should We Do?

Couples often open businesses together because they recognize that two heads are better than one. It not only allows them to be their own bosses but is usually accompanied by the idea that a joint venture will strengthen their interpersonal relationships. After all, running a business together will mean they must be more open and communicative, and therefore it ought to bring them closer together as they work together on their shared dream. But, sometimes couples have very different ideas about how to build and run new businesses and this can easily lead to a lot of conflicts. Fortunately, there are some strategies couples can use if they are experiencing problems in their small businesses. The Hidden ‘I’ in T-e-a-m Make no mistake about it, every joint venture depends on individuals. Two or more people have to come together in a meeting of the minds and spirit in order to make it ultimately work. This starts with an individual choice to pool skills, talents, and resources together once this decision is made and forces are joined together, the business should have what it needs to succeed. However, sometimes individuals can’t get out of their own way and that’s when the problems begin. When things get tough, refer back to your joint goals. Running a business isn’t easy, and when both you and your spouse are involved, that means your livelihood is hanging in the balance of the business you share. Instead of letting this fill you with stress and anxiety, instead, let it fill you with excitement and passion for the work you do. Be a support for each other, so when one of you gets stressed or worried, the other can remind you why you started. —Small Business Trends In other words, there has to be the right mixture of individualism and teamwork in order to make the relationship work. For example, constantly jocking for power will eventually lead to serious issues. If one spouse tells their employees one thing and the other spouse contradicts that, there’s obviously going to the at least some confusion and conflict. This is why successful businesses have defined roles for everyone involved. Doing so greatly increases communication, productivity, and also expectations. How Spouses can Successfully Run a Business Together If you and your spouse are experiencing problems in your business that are affecting your personal relationship, you’re definitely not the first and won’t be the last. The good news is there are steps you can take to reduce or eliminate conflict, such as the following: Mutually define individual roles. Both of you are responsible for running the business, but that doesn’t mean that both of you should be caring out the same roles. Take some time to talk over and outline your individual roles and responsibilities so there’s no miscommunication or unnecessary redundancy. Layout and set your expectations. Each of you has an idea of what you want from the other. But unless you communicate that clearly, there’s no way to truly know what you want out of one another. This will take a little trial and error but you can eventually find tune it in this will be a huge help in running the business efficiently. Leave home at home when you’re at work. There’s a reason that large corporations discourage romantic relationships between colleagues. When you bring your home life to work, you can expect to bring all of those issues into your place of business. Obviously, there’s no good that can come from this, so leave home at home while you’re at work. What other ways can spouses resolve their problems while running a business together? Please share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input. Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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It’s Said Style without Substance is Bad, But Is the Opposite Actually Better or Even Worse?

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Is Your Business Charging Enough for its Products and Services? Probably Not. Here’s Why…

“Sure, we lose money on every sale, but we make up for it on volume.” This witty saying is often repeated in the business world because it effectively demonstrates a fundamental flaw with a company’s operating model. But, like any really good bit of humor, it contains an undeniable truth. Plus, it is probably applicable to your own business in an abstract way. If you have ever wrestled with raising the prices you charge for your business’ goods and services, then now is a great time to resolve that issue. Why Businesses Don’t Raise their Prices Although large corporations and big companies do raise their prices fairly routinely, small business owners are averse to doing the same. It’s not because small business owners aren’t smart operators, it’s merely the fear of the possible repercussions. Perhaps the biggest objection is that maintaining lower prices attracts new customers and greatly influences repeat business. While this might be ostensibly true, it can’t exist in perpetuity. A major part of running a successful business is knowing at what price to value your services or products. Entrepreneurs and business owners must ensure a balance in price between costs and gains. While low prices are certainly an attractive selling point, a variety of factors can bring pressure to bear on your bottom line, necessitating a higher charge for your services. —Forbes.com Another reason small businesses don’t raise their prices is that they’ve become so accustomed to their charging schedule. Though it sounds like a cop-out, it’s just the comfort of complacency that allows them to dismiss the notion of increasing their prices. Then, there are the logistical factors that come into play, which is particularly true in retail, where items must be individually updated, along with point of sale systems. Three Compelling Reasons Businesses should Charge More Even though most small business owners would gladly welcome a pay bump in their bottom line, they avoid increasing what they charge because they fear it will result in a loss of customers. However, this only looks at one side of the equation. Here are three compelling reasons why businesses should charge more for their products and services: There model is outdated. It’s a real accomplishment to stay in business for years on end. Everyone knows the statistics, that a high percentage of businesses fail in the first two to three years. But thereafter, they become not only viable but probably profitable enough to sustain a few sets of disruptive circumstances. Since business owners always experience ups and downs, they find a great deal of unconscious comfort in their pricing models that they established at the outset. But, as years go by, prices should go up incrementally to keep up with the times. There’s a lack of other service providers. The very fact that so many businesses fail, compounded by the shutdowns resulting from the global pandemic, means there are likely fewer service providers around right now. This represents a prime opportunity to market more aggressively, raise your prices, and build out quality staff. If you don’t, you’re missing a key moment that you’ll probably regret in the future. The cost of doing business just keeps rising. Of course, everything costs more now than it did just a short time ago. It’s not just the shortage of materials that the world is currently experiencing, but also other dynamics, such as inflation, the always rising costs of employee benefits, insurance, rent, and just about everything else associated with the cost of doing business is going up. What other reasons warrant raising prices? Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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