Strategic Moves Small Business Owners can Make during Rising Inflation Periods

Rising inflation is affecting both consumers and businesses alike. As the dollar’s purchasing power decreases, and prices for goods and services rise, a vicious cycle ensues. Small business owners are obviously not immune to this damaging dynamic. These small companies experience a decline in sales volume and their top lines fall. Fortunately, there are some strategies that small business owners can use to their advantage, even as inflation rises. While these moves won’t magically make all their problems disappear, they will help them to get through this trying time and even realize a greater profit in the future.

Expect the Unexpected

It is very easy for small business owners to get comfortable in their routines. So, when circumstances change, they generally are not prepared. The shock can lead to making rash decisions and as everyone knows, decisions made under duress don’t typically go very well. Because there is no way to tell how long this inflationary cycle will last, it’s best to adapt to the disruptive environment than to ignore it and hope to weather the storm.
An increase in inflation has a number of effects on the economy. First and foremost, it erodes purchasing power as the cost of retail goods and services increase. It can also raise the cost of borrowing as interest rates increase due to increased risk. Inflation increases can also fuel further inflation, creating a feedback loop. —Yahoo Finance
In other words, don’t just plan for the immediate short-term, think farther into the future and consider possible contingencies if this inflationary run persists past expectations. Since there’s no real way to know when it will end, it’s far more advantageous to be able to pivot and maneuver on short notice. Otherwise, you could get caught off guard and that could spell big trouble.

Strategic Moves Small Business Owners can Make during Rising Inflation Periods

The good news is that inflationary cycles don’t last forever, they are temporary. But in such situations, there will be challenges. So, you can use the following strategies to help your small business make it through inflationary times:
  • Offer long-term contracts. During periods of uncertainty, people relish the comfort of stability. Suppliers, vendors, and clients are no exception. Offer them long-term contracts at agreeable terms and that will alleviate some anxiety. It will also help to give you more peace of mind in the short term and can also help to set your business up for future success.
  • Invest in technology. Smart business owners take advantage of these circumstances by doubling down where it really counts. Technology gives businesses the power to increase productivity with fewer employees. Technology is a force multiplier. By expanding their technological assets, companies can not only meet but surpass client demands with fewer human resources.
  • Refinance your debt. Interest rates remain at near historical lows at the moment. But, they are likely to go up through the year. So now is the time to lock in a lower rate and refinance your debt. Paying just a little less in regular installments will help to free up cash for use elsewhere.
  • Resist shrinkflation, if possible. Consumers are very well aware that they are getting less and still paying the same amount or more. Big corporations use this sleight of hand and needless to say, the general public doesn’t like it. If you are able to deliver the same goods and services for the same prices as you normally would, continue to do so for as long as possible. This will most definitely help you stand out from the competition and your sales figures will reflect it.
What other suggestions do you have for small businesses that are dealing with rising inflation? Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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