I Want to Create a New Position for My Small Business – So How Do I Go about It?

Entrepreneurs wear many, many hats. It is not at all unusual for a small business owner to perform several different roles. But, this Jack of all trades, master of none can’t go on in perpetuity. The longer it lasts, the less chance there is that the business can scale up. In order to grow a company, it’s necessary to have help and many business owners reach a point where it is unavoidable. So, they make a few hires but still continue to perform various functions until they realize that a new position will free them up to pursue their main goals.

Hiring should Equal Growth

It’s very common for small business owners to be nervous about their first hires. However, they eventually get past this and the team settles into a comfortable routine. This can easily result in a false sense of security and it’s not at all unusual for the owner to slip right back into or continue bad habits.
If a heavy workload causes your employees to feel overwhelmed and frustrated, it may be time to add new positions to your department. Hiring an additional staff member or two can help you split tasks between employees more equitably and give employees the time they need to devote to their work. —Houston Chronicle
Sure, someone has to perform those functions and the owner typically feels it is his or her responsibility. But, there comes a time when it’s clear that handing off at least some of those tasks to someone else would be very beneficial. What generally holds a business owner back is not having a clearly defined position, as they did with previous hires. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to create a new employee position.

How to Create a New Employee Position for a Small Business

When it becomes obvious that you’re taking on too much, be it administrative tasks or something else, it’s time to seriously consider hiring someone to do that work for you. Here are some steps you can take in order to create a new employee position:
  • Estimate its ROI. Before you start posting job openings, take some time to work out the most likely return on investment. Ask yourself if one or more of your current employees can assume these responsibilities. If not, then it is more likely you need to create a brand new position. Just work out a realistic scenario on how much this will add to expenses and what size return of investment you’ll get for this potential hire.
  • Determine if it’s part or full time. Next, you’ll need to determine whether this is a part-time or full-time position. Go over your schedule and create a ballpark figure of how much time you spend on these tasks. This will give you a pretty good idea of the number of hours you’ll give over to a new employee. Plus, it will tell you how much time you gain back doing more important things.
  • Compile a list of applicable skills. Last but certainly not least, you’ll need to create a list of applicable skills that a new employee would need to possess. This will also tell you if these responsibilities are truly interrelated or if they are a mixed bag. What’s more, it will point you in a more specific direction and help you to hone in on the right personality.
What other suggestions do you have for an entrepreneur who is considering creating a new team member role? Please share your experiences and thoughts so others can benefit from your input! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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5 Words Smart Entrepreneurs Always Avoid

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How to Protect a Business Against Vandalism

Vandalism protection isn’t something most business owners think about. After all, it’s a rare occurrence. But, vandalism can and does happen as we’ve seen or experienced with the recent protests and riots. When it becomes a reality, too many business owners are unprepared. This is due to the fact that the majority of businesses are focused and prepared for theft — not defacing, smashing, and wrecking. So, read on to learn more about how to protect a business against vandalism. The Truth about Vandalism Sure, today’s headlines probably have you thinking about the possibility more than ever. But, the truth be told, vandalism — to just about any degree — is possible at any given moment. At the very least, it could be a total accident. (Like those weird news stories about a driver who accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brake. Or, the vehicle involved in a collision that hurled out of control and smashed into a building.) When considering how to prevent vandalism, home and business owners often despair. The crime can be committed in an instant, yet it can have an enormous financial impact. It can be carried out by rivals or total strangers. It can occur in the middle of the working day, or the dead of night. You need to know how to deter vandalism— [and] what options are available —ADT Commercial Security The point obviously being, is that it’s far better to be prepared than it is to get caught completely off guard. The latter will cost far more time and money, stress, and more negatives. However, being proactive can help to prevent the scenario or reduce the amount of damage. Most Effective Ways to Protect a Business against Vandalism Now, let’s get to the nuts and bolts of the situation — how to protect your business from vandalism. While it’s not simple or inexpensive, it’s most definitely worthwhile for a little more peace of mind and to mitigate the extent of the destruction. Here are some effective ways to protect a business against vandalism: Identify weak points. Huge windows, poor lighting, outdated or insufficient security/safety measures. All of these can and will prove very detrimental if vandals strike your place of business. Use landscape and lighting. There’s a reason all those big box retailers and chains have landscaping and lighting — to help prevent damage from a variety of sources. You can use landscaping and lighting to not only improve aesthetics, but also, to help ward off trouble. Install security cameras and more. Of course, this is the most obvious measure to take proactively. But, be sure to place those cameras and other hardware strategically to get the most out of them. Keep an up-to-date store inventory. This not only helps to reduce over-stocking and identify shrinkage, but it can equally help if things are damaged — due to vandalism or another reason, like a natural event. Be sure to have the right insurance in-place. Just because you carry insurance doesn’t mean you have the right coverage. Take some time to go over your policy to ensure you have ample protection. What other suggestions do you have? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences by commenting and letting others know your perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Don’t Dare Make these Startup Customer Service Mistakes

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