Business Owners, Want to be Better Leaders? Then, Stop Apologizing and Use these Sentiments Instead

If you’re anything like the average person, your parents probably instilled in you the courtesy to apologize. Saying you’re sorry is one of the most important keystones of polite society. So, it should definitely not come as a surprise that very politeness eventually turns into second nature compulsion. In fact, people use the phrase way too often and don’t really think about its effects. Now, in purely interpersonal situations, this is probably quite benign. But, when you’re running a business, this habit could cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Apologizing isn’t Always Positive

Of course, there have been academic studies confirming that apologizing too much tends to have adverse outcomes. It not only shows a willingness to capitulate, but it also underscores an underlying weakness. Furthermore, the same studies reveal that it can cause anger or resentment in others – two emotions you definitely want to avoid, if at all possible.
After you hurt someone’s feelings or do something wrong, it turns out that saying sorry might not be the best solution. In fact, an apology might just add fuel to the fire, a recent study by researchers from Dartmouth College and the University of Texas has found. —
Apologizing too much doesn’t always result in dire circumstances. But, it may also easily create the impression that you’ll simply go along to get along no matter what. In other words, give the impression your preference is to avoid any and all confrontation, because it is too uncomfortable for you to handle. Obviously, none of these things are good for an entrepreneur, but this doesn’t mean you have to be stubborn, obtuse, or even mean.

3 Alternatives to Saying your Sorry

When you apologize, you’re not only relating your own disposition, you’re sending signals to the other person or group of people. Fortunately, there are at least three handy phrases you can use in place of saying you’re sorry or apologizing outright:
  • “I appreciate your patience.” Whether you’re late for an appointment or something is taking longer than it should have, save the apology and use this phrase instead. It has the same effect that you’re looking for but doesn’t put the blame solely on you and compliments the other person.
  • “Thank you for working with me.” This is a great alternative when things aren’t going according to plan. In a sense, you’re still apologizing, but you are not doing so directly, and again you are giving the other person a nice compliment.
  • “Here’s a slightly different perspective.” Rather than blurting out an apology for something you haven’t said yet, use this expression to bolster your credibility and get people to actually listen to what you have to say. This is a terrific way to join in on a conversation or to bring your point of view up.
What other suggestions do you have for apology alternatives? Please, take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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