Effective New Year Employee Retention Strategies Businesses can Use

When the new year arrives in earnest, some employers will be taken by surprise when a few employees announce they’re leaving their companies. The reasons for this are many, but there are some which are far more common than others. So, it’s critical for business owners and managers to know these motivations to address any shortfalls right away. Plus, how to proactively retain talent so productive individuals don’t leave.

Common Reasons Employees Leave Companies

There are a number of common reasons that employees leave companies, and understanding these reasons can be important for businesses looking to retain top talent and maintain a healthy and productive workforce. One major factor is the need for career advancement opportunities. Many employees are looking for opportunities to grow and advance within a company. If they feel like they are hitting a dead end or there are no clear paths for advancement, they may look elsewhere for opportunities that allow them to continue to grow and develop. Poor management is also a big reason. Employees want to work for leaders who are fair, supportive, and transparent. If they feel like they are being micromanaged, or if they are not receiving clear direction or support from their manager, they may start looking for a new job where they feel like they are valued and supported. Additionally, a poor work-life balance can play a role. A demanding or inflexible work schedule can be a major turn-off for employees, especially if it is causing them to feel burnt out or like they are unable to attend to other important aspects of their lives.
Maximizing employee retention is one of the best ways to make sure your small business thrives. Unfortunately, staying fully staffed can be challenging in today’s business environment. According to Bank of America’s 2022 Small Business Owner Report, 41% of small businesses say labor shortages are currently impacting their businesses. —Bank of America Small Business
Lack of recognition or appreciation is most definitely the cause of team members leaving companies. Employees want to feel like their hard work is being noticed and appreciated. If they feel they are being taken for granted or not receiving adequate recognition or praise, they may start looking for a company where their contributions are clearly more valued. Unsurprisingly, poor compensation and benefits are big ones. While salary is not the only factor that motivates employees, it is an important one. If employees feel like they are being underpaid or not receiving competitive benefits, they may start looking for a company that compensates them with higher pay and/or benefits. Last but not least, a negative company culture. A toxic or unhealthy company culture can be a major deterrent for employees. If they feel like they are not a good fit with the company’s values or culture, or if they are experiencing harassment or discrimination, they may decide to leave in search of a more positive work environment. So, it’s important for businesses to understand the common reasons that employees leave and to make an effort to address these issues in order to retain top talent and maintain a productive and satisfied workforce.

How Businesses can Retain their Employees

Retaining top employees is important for businesses of all sizes, as it can help to reduce costs associated with hiring and training new employees, as well as improve overall productivity and morale. Here are some strategies that businesses can use to encourage team members to stay:
  • Offer competitive compensation and benefits. Employees want to feel like they are being fairly compensated for their hard work. Offering competitive salaries, bonuses, and benefits can help to keep employees satisfied and motivated to stay with a company.
  • Foster a positive company culture. A positive company culture can be a major factor in employee retention. Creating a culture that is respectful and supportive can help employees feel more invested in their work and more likely to stay with a company.
  • Provide opportunities for career advancement. Employees want to feel like they are growing and developing within a company. Offering opportunities for advancement, such as training and development programs, can help to keep employees motivated and engaged.
  • Encourage work-life balance. A demanding or inflexible work schedule can be a major turn-off for employees. Encouraging a healthy work-life balance, such as through flexible scheduling, hybrid, or WFH options, can help to keep employees satisfied and less likely to look for new opportunities.
  • Show appreciation and recognition. Employees want to feel like their hard work is being noticed and appreciated. Regularly thanking and recognizing employees for their contributions can help to build a positive and supportive work environment that encourages employees to stay on board.
  • Foster open and transparent communication. Employees want to feel like they are in the loop and that their opinions are valued. Encouraging open and transparent communication, such as through regular check-ins and feedback sessions, can help employees feel more connected to the company and more likely to stay.
Overall, the key to retaining employees is to create a supportive and positive work environment that recognizes and values their contributions. By implementing these strategies, businesses can encourage team members to stay and foster a productive and satisfied workforce. How else can businesses prevent employees from leaving or proactively encourage them to stay? Please feel free to share your thoughts and experience so others can benefit! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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My Best Salesperson Keeps using a Company Credit Card for Personal Expenses – How can I Handle this Situation?

Make no mistake about it, this is a very serious situation, no matter the dollar amount. Regardless of what was spent and for which items, this is theft. It is essentially stealing company funds for personal use. Now, if this sounds way too stringent, that’s because you’re probably not thinking of it in a more dire manner (you likely have a very good relationship with this employee). However, if you strip all that aside and look at it in pure dollars and cents, along with personality traits like integrity, this ought to infuriate you. So, let’s take a look at what to do if an employee is using a company credit card for personal use. Common Company Credit Card Risks Obviously, putting company credit cards in the hands of employees assumes a certain level of risk. While you may have strict policies regarding their proper use, it’s still ultimately up to the individual to obey those rules. Of course, every employee with a company credit card must be trusted to a large extent. And even though he or she may have acted responsibly in the past, that certainly doesn’t guarantee he or she will continue to do so in the future. Corporate credit cards are an important tool for many companies. Using the company credit card is often the ideal way to manage individual expenses like entertaining clients and business travel. However, company credit cards are also one of the most notorious leaks of company funds to bad employee decisions. From simple bad budgeting decisions to outright fraud and theft, these cards create undue opportunity and temptation for employees to misuse company funds. Fortunately, you can keep these incidents to a minimum… —Business.com Company credit cards are given out as a matter of convenience, but they do not come without a substantial risk factor. For instance, an employee could get into a personal pinch and use the card for emergency situations at home and you’ll only find out about it after the fact. Then, there are a few incidental mistakes. It’s entirely possible that your employee has a similar-looking card and accidentally makes a purchase with the wrong one, using the company credit card rather than their own. In the latter example, it’s entirely understandable, but if he or she does not take a proactive attempt to reimburse you or simply says nothing and hopes it will slide by, you have a problem on your hands. How to Deal with an Employee Who uses a Company Credit Card for Personal Expenses There are really two different scenarios that could play out. Someone who uses a company credit card for small, inexpensive items and someone who routinely misuses the card for personal expenses. Here are some suggestions for how to deal with an employee who uses a company card for personal use: Know exactly what the purchases were. Before you say anything to this employee, be sure to go through the monthly statement line by line to identify the purchases and their amounts. It would also be wise to go back through the last few months’ worth of previous statements to see if this is a pattern or not. You might just discover this has been going on for quite a long time. Know the laws in your state. This is where it gets serious. Even if the card was used for small purchases over a long period, that could add up to a substantial amount of money. Depending on the laws in your state, this could constitute a criminal act. At the very least, if it isn’t considered criminal, it is certainly a fireable offense. Obviously, if the charges were extraordinarily large, you’ll probably want to recoup that money and possibly prosecute the offender. Speak with HR and/or an attorney. Here again, the amount spent and the timeline will be extremely pertinent. If these are large expenses, they could mean something like grand larceny or another crime. Conversely, if the amount spent was small, you might just ask the employee to reimburse the company, what you need to know is if this is severe enough, and what legal options you have, including the possibility of withholding part of their pay. If you do discover an employee has been using a company credit card for their personal expenses, it is very important to take action, regardless of how much was spent or on what and/or over what period of time. If you don’t deal with the situation directly, the behavior will likely continue to happen to the detriment of the company. Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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