Your Company’s Mission Statement May be Impressive But It’s Not Necessarily Why Customers Are Buying from You – Here’s What You Should Focus On Instead

Your Company’s Mission Statement May be Impressive But It’s Not Necessarily Why Customers Are Buying from You – Here’s What You Should Focus On Instead

There are many moving parts to opening, establishing, and growing a business. The number is so vast, that it’s difficult – if not impossible – to quantify every element. Unfortunately, some factors and circumstances make too many entrepreneurs believe they must buy into certain practices. Some of these are indispensable, but others aren’t necessary in every situation, and the company mission statement is one prime example. Although noble and laudable, a company’s mission statement is not why customers buy from businesses.

The Purpose of a Company Mission Statement

Let’s remember, that the purpose of a company mission statement is to provide a clear, concise explanation of the organization’s general purpose, objectives, and values. It serves as a declaration of the company’s reason for being, defining its culture, goals, and values.

A well-crafted mission statement can inspire and motivate employees, attract potential customers, and convey the company’s commitment to its objectives and values to the public. It is supposed to be memorable, aspirational, and written with multiple audiences in mind, including customers, the general public, and primarily employees. By and large, these goals are usually reached. Still, it isn’t why people buy from companies – even those with rock-solid mission statements.

The Three Real Reasons People Buy from Companies (And None are Its Mission Statement)

People often choose to buy from a company not because of its mission statement, but because of the personal benefits they perceive they will receive from the product or service. This is because consumers are primarily motivated by their own needs and desires, and are more likely to make purchases that they believe will benefit them in some way. The key reasons why customers buy from a business are generally centered around three main areas:
  • Saving time. If a product or service can save a customer time, whether it’s by making a task easier or more efficient, it’s likely to be well-received.
  • Saving money. If a product or service can save a customer money, either by being cost-effective or by providing long-term savings, it can be a significant selling point.
  • Making money. If a product or service can help a customer make money, such as by increasing their productivity or providing a new income stream, it can be a strong motivator for purchase.
This perspective aligns with the view that customers are primarily self-interested. They are more likely to be concerned with the benefits they will receive from a product or service, rather than the broader mission or values of the company providing it. This is why it’s crucial for businesses to communicate the benefits of their products or services to potential customers, and to ensure that these benefits are aligned with their customers’ needs and desires.

Ways To Show Your Customers How Your Products and Services Make Their Lives Better

Of course, if it is true that people buy because they get something valuable out of it, then how do you show them how your products and services benefit them? Well, businesses can show customers how their products and services make their lives better by focusing on the benefits and outcomes rather than the features or functionalities of the product or service. This can be achieved through several strategies:
  • Personalization. Tailoring the product or service to meet the specific needs of the customer can greatly enhance their experience and show them the value of the product in improving their life.
  • Customer testimonials. Sharing stories of how the product or service has made a positive impact on other customers’ lives can be a powerful way to demonstrate its value. This can help potential customers see the product or service in a real-world context and understand how it could benefit them.
  • Clear communication. Expressly communicating the benefits of the product or service can help customers understand how it can improve their lives. This can be done through product descriptions, marketing materials, and customer support interactions.
  • Value proposition. A strong value proposition that clearly states what the product or service does and how it can improve the customer’s life can be very effective in showing the customer the benefits of the product or service.
  • Demonstration. Showing customers how the product or service works and how it can be used to improve their lives can be very effective. This can be done through product demonstrations, tutorials, or user guides.
  • Customer support. Providing excellent customer support can help customers see the value of the product or service in their lives. By quickly and effectively addressing any issues or concerns, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and show customers how the product or service can make their lives easier.
Also, continuous improvement. Constantly improving the product or service based on customer feedback can show customers that the business is committed to making their lives better. This can build trust and loyalty, and encourage customers to continue using the product or service.

Want to Accomplish More?

Do you want your company to grow faster and earn more while you spend more time with your family doing all the things you started your business to do?

We can make that dream a reality. Give us 30 minutes and we will show you how to get your life back. Skeptical? Good! Put us to the test.

You can call us for your free appointment at (602) 541-1760, or, if you prefer, Waters Business Consulting Group to learn more about us and the services we offer.

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