Start the New Year Strong – Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout

Now that 2018 is upon us, it’s time to make good on your resolutions. As an entrepreneur (or soon-to-be business owner), you want your company to succeed. This requires a lot of hard work. It also requires dreaming big. Without those two elements, it’s very difficult to move forward. Unfortunately, being an entrepreneur means having to shoulder a big load. And, that can easily lead to burnout. The passion turns sour. It’s no longer a challenge but a burden. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be a reality.

Make 2018 a Great Year for Your Business

If you want 2018 to be a success for your business, you must avoid certain personality types. Additionally, you’ll have to keep the fire going inside. Entrepreneurs are complex people. They love to dream and can easily leap from one to another. What’s more, they really love to work and work hard. The reward is simply too good a feeling. But, even the hardest workers, the most disciplined business owners can fall victim to burnout.

Being an entrepreneur is no mean task, and definitely isn’t meant for the fainthearted. Entrepreneurs have too much to do and a lot to prove, not just to their competitors, but also themselves. Dealing with the daily challenges and frustrations that come from running a business operations can take a toll on any sane person’s mental and/or physical health. —All

In fact, this is actually one of the biggest (if not the single biggest challenge) entrepreneurs face. Long weeks with plenty of nighttime hours devoted to work takes its toll. Eventually, you feel less connected to personal relationships. And, strangely enough, less in-tune with your own business.

How to Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout

Entrepreneurial burnout is a real thing. It’s a trap entrepreneurs unwittingly set for themselves. They don’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late. All of a sudden, there’s little to no reward. Things seem dull and routine — even monotonous. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid entrepreneurial burnout:

  • Avoid falling into a rut. Okay, so one of the biggest challenges to running a business is to set and stay on schedule. But that very strategy can also turn against you. It goes from smart scheduling to rut and does so without warning. Seemingly out of the blue, you feel like you’re just doing the same thing over and over. So, change environments and scenery. And, do so regularly.
  • Schedule regular breaks. Make no mistake about it, both long and short breaks are necessary. You not only need to get out of the office on a daily basis, you need to get away from the office regularly. And, take actual time away from the business. A simple weekend getaway without any work offers amazing refreshment.
  • Stay away from time wasters. You probably fall prey to time wasters. Social media is a great example because it’s so prevalent. Or, it could be constant chit-chat. Whatever wastes your time, identify these and you’ll lessen the burden of feeling unproductive.
  • Always be clear about what you want. Losing focus is a big problem. But, there are simple ways to deal with it. Every day should bring you closer to your next goal. But, if you’re unclear about that end, you don’t know where to begin. So, work with others and be cognizant of where you want to go next.
  • What does it take to succeed as an entrepreneur as quoted by Tony Robbins. I listened to a great interview with Tony Robbins recently, and when asked about the characteristics that it takes to succeed, Tony shared in his interview:
    1. HUNGER … dig deep to successful people, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg … you will find that they are HUNGRY to achieve and push beyond the pain
    2. Having a Mission larger than you … your WHY. Why do you do what you do? Pride of ownership, mission, joy, being able to give to our kids and others more than ourselves
    3. You have to become Obsessed with Strategies or a Plan to succeed. For example; if you say you want to enjoy life on the beach and you start running North … you’re going the wrong direction because the beach are South! The right strategy can save you a decade and lots of losses.

How do you avoid burnout? What other things do you use to stay focused and excited? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting and joining the conversation!

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