5 Biggest Entrepreneur Time-Wasters

An entrepreneur is a very busy person. There’s always so much to do and so little time. It’s an old, familiar complaint. But, there are probably ways you’re wasting time here and there. And, these can add up to a lot, over the course of a week or month. The problem is often identifying what actually wastes time and what’s really worthwhile. So, let’s take a look at the top entrepreneur time-wasters to make you a more productive leader.

Yes, Time is Money

First, let’s revisit an old cliché — “time is money.” Now, it’s undoubtedly true. We all know that it’s an inescapable conclusion. However, we too often let time get away from us in a number of ways. It’s not that we don’t necessarily stick to a schedule. It’s more about what we don’t commit our time to. In other words, the biggest time-wasters are things we don’t expressly plan for.

We all wish that we could be more productive. But, how is that possible when assignments keep piling up, the latest season of Orange is the New Black just appeared on Netflix, and you have a flurry of emails, texts, and social media notifications distracting you? —Inc.com

Just let that sink in for a moment. If you aren’t dutifully working on this or that, and don’t have a commitment at-hand, you’re quite likely to waste time meandering about. Of course, it’s not possible to plan every minute of every day. But, it does mean it’s worth the effort to fill in those gaps, when possible. Use some of that time to take a break. Also, use some more of that time to just reflect or think about the next step. Then, try to make the rest of that “free time” productive.

5 Biggest Entrepreneur Time-Wasters

So, what are the biggest entrepreneur time-wasters? Well, a few just might surprise you. Let’s just get the most obvious out-of-the-way to start — social media. It’s easy to lose track of time on social media. Since most entrepreneurs know this, they try to avoid it. But, there are still other huge time-waters:

  • Unplanned mornings. Take a few moments at the end of the day to plan the next. If you don’t, you’ll probably fall prey to disorganization or at worst, chaos. Make a prioritized list to follow with the largest challenges at the top.
  • Redundant work. There’s probably more than one way you’re duplicating your efforts or essentially doing unnecessary work more than once. Try to automate as much as possible. It’s surprising just how much more time you can squeeze out of a day when you’re not as redundant.
  • Business travel. With all the available technology, in-person meetings are easy to accomplish, even if you’re physically hundreds or thousands of miles away. Sure, there are times when it’s absolutely necessary but delegate what you can and telecommute when possible.
  • Multitasking. You might have heard that women are better than men at multitasking. While this is marginally true, it’s also now known humans aren’t good at multitasking. Even if you are able to multitask, you’re still dividing your attention. And, that’s a sure-fire way to make mistakes.

What other time-wasters would you add to the list? Please share your thoughts by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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