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How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Calm Under Pressure

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How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Calm Under Pressure

There’s one thing that’s certain about starting and running a business, there will be challenges. Some are mere annoyances, while others are minor and easily dealt with, then, there are times when it seems the earth moves. It can happen in the blink of an eye, a simple error demonstrating much to your chagrin the butterfly effect. One tiny mistake or misstep makes a larger-than-life impact, and, your team looks to you to deal with the situation.

We are told our whole lives that when faced with a challenge to remain calm. While it’s easy to do so as an exercise, things get a lot more complicated in real time. It starts with a stark realization, your heart drops into yours stomach, and, you begin to look desperately for answers. For most of us, that’s a normal reaction, however, for successful entrepreneurs, there’s a different approach.

How Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Calm

You’re not alone if you believe that stressful situations wreak havoc on lives and cause physical damage, particularly because it’s backed by science. Dr. Travis Bradberry helped to conduct a research study on more than one million people. As the nearby quote states, the analysis revealed that a whopping 90 percent of those categorized as top performers were able to stay calm, manage their emotions, and remain in control.

The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and we’ve found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. —Forbes

What this teaches us is that people learn to deal with stress, and other neuroscience research has found this to be true. One of the secrets revealed is that staying calm and under control is not an inborn trait. In fact, we also know this because of our instinctive fight-or-flight response–both can make a bad situation a whole lot worse. So, how is it that successful entrepreneurs stay calm under pressure? Well, they do these things:

  • They take a breath and step back. Okay, we all know to do this, but, how many of us actually practice it? Too often, we let our gut instinct fly, which in most instances, isn’t a path to solve the problem but exacerbate the situation. Taking a deep breath allows you to breathe, in other words, calm your nerves, and your brain.
  • They solicit and seriously entertain ideas. Look to some of the most successful people in business, and, you’ll definitely find a common trait: trust. We’re not talking about self-confidence, but trusting in others, or, put another way, giving serious consideration to the ideas and suggestions of other people. Behind every successful business person, there’s a team of people they trust and rely on for advice.
  • They think carefully but don’t fret the outcome. Rather than focus on the moment and allowing it to become an exercise in fear and doubt, look to the future. While what you face might be heart pounding at the moment, it’s quite helpful to see the good that will come from it. Fear produces poor decisions but hope gives you options and a sense of peace.
  • They stand by their beliefs and principles. When confronted with a problem, rather than give into the pressure, successful people choose to stand by their beliefs and not compromise their principles. While this might cause a setback, it serves a higher purpose and makes a statement.
  • They relabel their emotions. Though not easy, this is very helpful. Instead of giving into fear, reroute the feeling into anticipation. You can turn frustration into desire, and transform dread into wise caution.

It takes practice to do these things, but becomes more natural over time. That’s a good thing, because you’ll learn a lot on your journey and different constructive coping mechanisms that produce real results.

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