Best Ways to Manage Your Time and Energy

Building a business isn’t easy and it requires a lot of time and energy to be successful. For the majority of entrepreneurs, challenges are met by putting in long hours and trying to be more productive. However, this leaves little time for family and friends, exercise, and hobbies. While it’s generally accepted as just part of the cost of doing business, eventually, a hectic schedule and overdrive pace will take its toll. This can lead to health issues, deteriorating relationships, and personal dissatisfaction. You might also come to despise your own creation and view it as a curse, rather than a blessing.

Best Ways to Manage Your Time and Energy

If your business is an energy drain, it will do more damage than just make you tired. It will also cause you to make decisions that aren’t necessary in your best interest or your employees’. You’ll probably begin to rationalize assigning certain responsibilities to different team members, it won’t necessary be for the good of the company, but rather, just to give you a break. That’s not a good practice and will lead to even more poor decisions.

The core problem with working longer hours is that time is a finite resource. Energy is a different story. Defined in physics as the capacity to work, energy comes from four main wellsprings in human beings: the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. In each, energy can be systematically expanded and regularly renewed by establishing specific rituals—behaviors that are intentionally practiced and precisely scheduled, with the goal of making them unconscious and automatic as quickly as possible. —Harvard Business Review

If you feel tired, unenthusiastic, and generally uninterested, it’s because this very phenomenon is happening to you, and, it’s time to realize its unhealthy impact and do something about it. Your energy, like your time, as the nearby quote states, is finite. Both must be managed in order for you to be productive and content. If you’re not productive and content, then, you’re sabotaging your own company, and doing your employees and customers a disservice. The best way to manage your energy is to manage your time and here are some ways you can improve your time management skills:

  • Create useful lists. One reason people tire is they are hand-wringing over what needs to be done and that often wastes enough time to cause them to rush. When you write down a list, you have a clear, actionable plan. Prioritize your lists and entries to ensure that you have ample time for what’s most important. This might take some time to master, but, eventually, you’ll become more organized and discover how much time was wasted when you didn’t have lists to follow.
  • Minimize company meetings. The not-so-subtle truth about meetings is nothing actually gets done. Okay, so you lay out a course of action, or, come-up with a strategy, but, you don’t execute during meetings — you execute after them. So, keep company meetings to a minimum to increase productivity.
  • Take advantage of waiting times. You wait in traffic, you wait at the doctor’s office, you wait, you wait, you wait here and there. What’s more, you’re fully aware of the fact that waiting means time is being wasted. So, make it productive. These are great times to go over or create to-do lists, write out a grocery list, reply to email, make a phone call, the possibilities go on and on.
  • Stop trying to multitask. There’s a persistent myth that multitasking is a way to get more done in less time. However, when you multitask, you’re asking your body, mind, and senses to do something that isn’t natural. It’s counterproductive and conducive to making mistakes. Instead, focus on one thing at a time to do it right.
  • Delegate responsibilities. Delegating doesn’t have to be a four-letter word. It’s part of being a good leader and giving others the power to unleash their own potential. It’s also a great way to avoid multitasking and get more done.

When you accomplish something, be sure to reward yourself. Do so in a healthy, upbeat way and without excess. You’ll find that you enjoy what you do more and be more optimistic about the future.

As you transition into 2016, knowing you have a finite amount of time to achieve your goals with the energy you have, what will you do different to better manage your time so that you remain energized, productive and get results?

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Pros and Cons of Work-Share Programs

In times of uncertainty, particularly when there’s a financial crisis, work-share programs can serve as a temporary solution. But, these systems are not perfect. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should outright dismiss the option. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of work-share programs. Biggest Downsides of Work-Shares As the nearby quote explains, work-share programs are offered by local governments to help small businesses in times of need. They give businesses the ability to reduce employee hours without having to resort to letting them go. As you might imagine, work-shares have their pros and cons. And, the first downside is that your business (or employees) might not qualify. If it does, another downside is that it could be more lucrative for team members to find alternative employment. Work-share programs let businesses temporarily reduce the hours of their employees, instead of laying them off during economic downturns. Technically referred to as short time compensation, the goal of work-sharing programs is to reduce unemployment. Work-sharing should not be confused with job sharing, which allows two part-time employees to share one full-time job. Instead, work-sharing allows a full-time worker’s hours to be reduced, in lieu of laying off the worker. —National Conference of State Legislatures Of course, if there’s an outright unemployment option that effectively supplies comparable or more compensation, that’s another downside. Then, there’s the matter of timing. Meaning, how long you’ll need the assistance and whether or not it’s sufficient to carry you and your employees through. Top Advantages of Work-Shares Now, there are obviously good things that come with work-share programs. These can be a real lifeline when you and your business needs it most. Here are some of the largest benefits of work-share programs: You can avoid layoffs. Okay, the most obvious advantage is the fact that you don’t have to resort to firing team members from your company. Work-share programs help you to keep your employees on the payroll, even if it’s a smaller one. It provides ongoing continuity. Another benefit is that your business can essentially carry on as usual (or as good as possible) for at least a short period of time. That can really help to save your business’ operations and keep productivity going. The arrangement helps maintain morale. Yet another upside to a work-share program is it helps to keep morale up since you’re keeping people employed and in a familiar work environment — even if it’s temporarily in another setting. You don’t have to start over again when it’s over. When the time comes to resume normal operations, the ability to retain employees helps you avoid having to hire all new staff and start over by training from scratch. What other pros and cons would you add to the list? Please comment and share your thoughts and experiences! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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