How to Keep Employees Motivated During the Holidays

With Christmas and the new year right around the corner, now is a time when productivity slips, attention spans shorten, and minds wander. It’s no surprise considering there’s so much going on outside the company: trip planning, shopping, decorating, and family gatherings. Inside, it’s supposed to be business as usual, but, the holiday season takes over. No one wants to be a Grinch during the holidays and it’s easy to let festive spirit slow things down. However, in the remaining days of the year, the pressure is on and it’s not always simple to stay the course.

How to Keep Employees Motivated during the Holidays

While some team members will be on vacation, others will still be showing up and this creates an unstable atmosphere. What’s more, you are not immune from the holiday fever and find it’s difficult enough just to keep yourself on-task. If you’re not careful, you’ll unconsciously let it be known and that’s tantamount to telling everyone to take it easy and slack off. While you certainly don’t want to portray yourself as Ebenezer Scrooge, you do need to set an example and temper your own excitement with good work ethic.

Keeping your employees engaged in their work can be a challenge during the holiday season. Considering that the holiday season lasts roughly from the week of Thanksgiving until after New Year’s, managers who don’t find ways to keep their team motivated risk losing a lot of money during the fall and winter months. —Business News

Doing so won’t necessarily be simple and might even strike you as unnatural, but, if you want to be an effective leader, you’ve got to learn how to play different roles well. That’s what being an entrepreneur is really all about: being flexible and knowing when to take off one hat to put on another. For your employees, the holidays are not only exciting and distracting, it’s the end of the year and looking forward to next year takes their eyes off today. Here are some helpful tips on how to keep employees motivated during the holidays:

  • Be flexible with schedules. The last thing you should do is create conflict and ill will during this time of year. Try to be as flexible as possible with schedules and don’t be afraid to ask for others to step-up when necessary. If you act with team effort, you’ll get a lot more cooperation and positive responses.
  • Let the excitement in the office. There’s nothing wrong with allowing employees to decorate, exchange gifts, and fill the space with holiday music. It puts the spirit of the season to work for you instead of against you.
  • Openly communicate expectations. No one likes the sneaky, sly boss who surprise employees with unpleasant things. You have goals to reach and tasks to get done, so don’t just bark out orders, communicate in a friendly manner and always open up the discussion to new ideas — you might be very surprised by what you hear.
  • Actively engage and manage your team. While people don’t like to be micromanaged, they do appreciate being guided. You’re in a position of authority and this is a wonderful opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills, as well as demonstrate your ability to motivate.
  • Take time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments. Remind people of this year’s accomplishment and be sure to give congratulations with enthusiasm. Speak about being vigilant and finishing the year strong for the good of everyone in your organization.

In addition to these, you should also carve out some time for a party or even a dinner. Keep it simple and ask for ideas from your team about what they’d like to do and where to hold it. Give small gifts or even a Christmas card to your employees and let them know just how appreciative you are of their work and dedication.

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