Want to Be Successful? Stop Doing these Six Things Starting Now

Who hasn’t heard the adage, “Quitters never win and winners never quit?” But, you’ve probably heard Michael Jordan talk about his career and already know he learned a lot more from losing than winning. So, why is it that we think quitting or failing are bad things? They’re not. In fact, quitting is quite healthy in some life aspects. And, that’s the key to being successful — to know when to stop doing something to move forward.

Be More Successful by Not Doing these 6 Things

Research conducted by the University of Rochester reveals there are two primary motivations, approaching goals and avoiding goals. Now, that’s sounds strange, but it makes sense when explained. The former personalities find motivation in challenges but also know when it’s futile to continue. The latter group greatly avoid goals due to fear of failure. So, they don’t give up, even when it’s totally illogical to continue.

If we didn’t have to work hard to reach success, we wouldn’t appreciate it. If there’s something you’re putting off because it’s boring you, it’s hard, physically demanding or tiring…just get up and get it done. Quit avoiding it. There will be rewards along the way and there will be a great sense of accomplishment at the end. —Forbes

Call it bull-headed, stubborn, tenaciousness, or perseverance, it does shed light on a peculiar behavior that represents a real dichotomy. Studies show those who don’t give up typically “win” more often than people who quit. But, not everything works out that way. Realizing when it’s time to stop doing something is just as important as not giving up on realistic goals. To be more successful, you must stop doing these six things right now:

  1. Stop doubting yourself. Doubt and fear are powerful foes. Each acts as a paralyzing weapon which causes angst, anxiety, and more negative feelings. When you doubt your own abilities, you’re giving into an illogical fear. Tap into your confidence and let the self-doubt go.
  2. Stop procrastinating. Tomorrow is always a day away and it’s why the “Free Drinks: Tomorrow” meme is a popular one. Tomorrow is also known as an excuse. If everything was easy, you wouldn’t procrastinate and tackle it head on. So, stop putting things off and reap the rewards of accomplishment.
  3. Stop dodging choices. There’s always a choice and sometimes, too many. But, you always have a choice and if there’s not a good one, simply chose not to undercut yourself. Think outside of the box, if necessary. But whatever you do, don’t give away your power to choose.
  4. Stop the insanity cycle. We all know how Einstein defined insanity, by doing the same thing time and again and expecting a different result. Realize when your efforts are not yielding fruit and go in a different direction. After all, it’s the smart thing to do.
  5. Stop believing it’ll work out. When you wait for things to just “naturally work out,” you’ll wait an awfully long time. It takes hard work to get ahead and just waiting around won’t move the needle. Take action and you’ll experience traction.
  6. Stop saying “yes” all the time. If you’ve seen the movie “Yes Man” you already know that by breaking this habit, you’re not constantly giving your time away. “No” by itself is indeed a complete sentence and it can easily be far more healthy than saying “yes.”

What have you stopped doing to improve your chances of success? Which changes did you adopt that yielded the best results? Please share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a comment!

Interested in learning more about growing your business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Signs an Employee is Quite Quitting

Quite quitting is currently making all the rounds on social media and in corporate environments. And, it’s generating a whole lot of attention. Quite quitting isn’t just the latest buzz phrase, either. (Although, it is a bit misleading, given that it doesn’t mean preparing to turn in a resignation letter. Instead, it means doing as little as possible while still collecting a paycheck. Or, what was previously known as “coasting.”) However, this differs because employees who “coast” usually depart in the near future. Quite quitting is about staying onboard, but performing just enough to get by without being noticed. Quite Quitting Explained The term quiet quitting has only recently emerged and it’s gained quite a bit of traction in a very short time. The phenomenon is thought to arise from the aftereffects of the pandemic and shutdowns, which gave people a lot of time to reflect and reprioritize. The theory goes that employees realized that they can have a more fulfilling life experience by doing less at work and putting emphasis on their personal lives. Not taking your job too seriously has a new name: quiet quitting. The phrase is generating millions of views on TikTok as some young professionals reject the idea of going above and beyond in their careers, labeling their lesser enthusiasm a form of ‘quitting.’ It isn’t about getting off the company payroll, these employees say. In fact, the idea is to stay on it—but focus your time on the things you do outside of the office. —Wall Street Journal Obviously, this has a number of profound effects – not least of which is the fact that businesses are still paying them the same, though their production steadily declines and quality of work will likewise suffer. That’s just an unfortunate reality, but there are also other deleterious effects. Rather than make the person engaging in this practice happier, it will likely have the opposite effect, since numerous studies have clearly shown that work adds value and purpose to people’s lives. So, it is imperative to know the signs of quiet quitting in order to spot it when it starts to manifest, and before it becomes a problem. Top Signs an Employee is Quite Quitting The good news about this new phenomenon is that it’s actually a kind of reincarnation of an age-old problem. As stated above, it was previously known as coasting, something employees did when they were about to leave their position. But, this new version is far more concerning, because the employee who is quiet quitting has no intention of actually leaving their job. So, here are the top warning signs an employee is quietly quitting: They disengage. An employee who previously stayed in the mix and was eagerly part of the day-to-day operations and activity will start to disengage. At first, it might not be obvious. But, over time, managers and business owners will probably notice it. They stop keeping up. Similarly, an employee who is quietly quitting will no longer keep up with the latest that’s going on inside the company. Instead, he or she will fall out of the loop or just remain on the margins in order to appear that he or she is keeping up with what’s happening – even though that’s not what’s really transpiring. They no longer take initiative. This should come as no surprise. By its very definition, quiet quitting means doing as little as possible in order to remain employed but definitely not contributing any more than necessary. Fortunately, this is a fairly easy sign to spot, especially with people who were previously go-getters who now just seem to show up and do the bare minimum. They keep their ideas and opinions private. This sign isn’t overtly obvious, but it does point to the distinct possibility an employee is quietly quitting. However, if it is someone who previously contributed good ideas and shared their thoughts and opinions and now doesn’t, then such a change might be a red flag. What other telltale signs would you say are indicative of quite quitting? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and opinions – and/or experiences – so others can benefit from your suggestions! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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How to Avoid People Who Waste Your Time

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