Learn this Uber London Quebec Business Lesson Right Now

Uber just lost its operating license in London. Then, Quebec passed tough new regulations. That caused Uber to announce a cessation of operations starting next month. There are many cities, municipalities, and unions suing Uber. Their claim is the ride-share company isn’t restricted by the same rules as taxis and like services. However, Uber remains popular with the public. It provides a different experience and often for a lower cost. But, it is definitely learning taking on government regulations is no easy task.

4 Helpful Tips for Entering a Regulated Business Industry

You might want to start a business to help people. And, that’s what many others do successfully. Although, if it’s in a heavily or even a moderately regulated industry, you’ll face several extra obstacles than entrepreneurs in different fields. The truth of the matter is, starting a business in any industry presents inherent risks. But, this certainly doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

If you’re building a new social network, creating a tech-enabled food delivery business, or developing an artificial-intelligence translation tool, there aren’t many demanding rules to adhere to. But if your startup deals with issues such as health care, finance, or education, things can be rather more difficult. —MIT Technology Review

It’s actually far from impossible. You just have to be realistic and pragmatic. In fact, you need to take many things into account before you jump into a regulated industry. After all, you’re chances of stumbling or outright failing are undoubtedly higher. That’s okay, if you take it as a challenge, you’ll probably get some worthwhile lessons along the way. Here are four helpful tips for entering a regulated business industry:

  • Conduct extensive research. This should go without stating but sometimes the obvious really needs emphasis. You need to conduct a lot of research before you take step one. Knowledge is power and there’s nothing more damaging than ignorance. As the saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” And, that’s not a place to start. So, do all the research you can.
  • Talk to people already thriving. Chances are excellent there’s already somebody, somewhere succeeding in that particular industry. Find him or her and personally reach out. Be upfront and honest about your ambitions. If you are respectful and open, they’ll be far more generous with important information.
  • Start very small and scale up slowly. One bit of advice that works quite well in every industry is to start small and scale up incrementally. It’s very risky to jump right in, front-loaded with debt, and hope everything works out. So, start small, test the market, get to know it, and grow little by little.
  • Keep abreast of all pertinent regulations. Regulations don’t necessarily stay the same. The rules can change at any time. Understanding and accepting this is key. Do yourself a huge favor and keep up with those changes so you aren’t taken by surprise.

Have you built a business in a heavily regulated industry? What other advice do you have? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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3 Ways Business Owners and Entrepreneurs can Find more Free Time

A substantial percentage of established business owners and fledgling entrepreneurs have experienced significant change over the course of the past year. Some had to make very difficult decisions and enact hard changes in order to survive. Conversely, some have been in the fortuitous position to thrive. Regardless of their circumstances, too many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle to find free time. Fortunately, there are some effective strategies to find more free time and enjoy it. The Dreaded Free Time Paradox The most common problems business owners have when it comes to free time is either not recognizing it, or failing to indulge it. In other words, when there’s free time available, business owners and entrepreneurs most often either prefer to spend it working, simply defaulting to a workaholic mindset. So, it’s often the case that they don’t have any free time, as much as it is they won’t take time to actually enjoy it. Time freedom is about spending your time doing what you really love doing with the clients and people who mean the most to you. Having more freedom of time is about having the ability to live a full life and have the time to pursue other interests outside of work. But finding time freedom for entrepreneurs can be tough. — Thrive Global This creates a cyclical scenario where any ostensible free time is put either toward their work or, is spent on distractions. That’s often more advice given about business owners seeking free time. That is to say, to identify and eliminate distractions, because they divert away from the task or relaxation at hand. Because entrepreneurs are action-minded people, they mistake any type of work as being valuable. Of course, that’s just not true. 3 Ways Business Owners and Entrepreneurs can Find more Free Time The advice usually given to free up time is to rely on technology, innovative tools of the trade, and eliminate redundancies. Those are all great ways to help streamline your operation, but these mostly work around the margins, and don’t address the core problems. Here are three ways business owners and entrepreneurs can find more free time: Stick to a schedule. It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to find free time in an unstructured environment. The old Friedrich Nietzsche philosophy of “out of chaos comes order” simply doesn’t apply to this situation. So, get yourself on a schedule and follow a routine. It can be flexible and should not be rigid, but should provide you with structure. This will greatly cut down on distractions, and force you to focus on the highest priorities, and work your way down to the lowest. Put your business on a budget. Before you scoff, remember this — a budget doesn’t always mean spending less, it means always spending smartly. Too many business owners either spend their time worrying about their finances. Others know their general financial situation, but dwell on every possible contingency. In either case, they waste a great deal of time worrying, because they really don’t have a plan for their company finances. Money just comes in and goes out, but with very little accountability. Creating a realistic budget allows you to operate your business with a lot more certainty, and that in turn, will create more free time. Hire (back) help. You might have responded to the pandemic and ensuing chaos in a number of ways. Perhaps, it was necessary to reduce your payroll and take on more responsibilities yourself. Or, you’ve been taking on more work personally, because you haven’t found the time to hire people to help. The longer this unnecessary stress goes on, the more you risk burning out. It not only steals away valuable downtime, it is also counterproductive. So, get yourself on a schedule, lay out a budget, and hire on some help when and where needed. What other suggestions do you have for creating more free time? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your unique perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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How to Set Business Product and Service Prices

Pricing products and services is difficult for any new business owner. Though it might seem to be a simple equation, that’s hardly the case. There are quite a few factors which go into setting your price or prices. Even within industries that buy from manufacturers to sell directly to consumers, there are variables from one vendor to another. Location is part of pricing, not just distance, but also demand and population. Services aren’t much different in this respect. Let’s say that you’re a dietitian, and you work with various doctors, hospitals, and gyms over a large geographic region. You travel quite a bit, so you go from big cities to rural communities. Chances are excellent you’ll charge more for your professional services in the metropolitan area than you will in sparsely populated rural areas. How to Set Business Product and Service Prices One important aspect to keep in mind when setting prices for goods and/or services, is they are promises to your customers. A price reflects value and consumers are careful about which products and/or services they choose. This means that price, while a very important factor, isn’t the only consideration consumers take into account when purchasing. For instance, a big bag of individually wrapped chips complete with select flavors is priced for $6.99. Next to it is a generic store brand priced at $4.99. Based solely on price, you’d opt to save $2 and go with the store brand. After all, you’ll save money and the chips will taste the same. Price is the most important factor in determining profit. Yet countless businesses fail to get their pricing strategy right. The price you charge for your products or services is directly related to your Cost of Goods (labor & materials to produce the product/service), your overhead and the competition or demand. Your focus needs to be on your desired Gross Margin. Price is a major way you communicate your firm’s value in the marketplace. Yet many small business owners set prices arbitrarily or sheepishly follow the crowd. —Bloomberg Business Now as you wind your way through the grocery store you visit the meat department. Inside the display case there are four ready-to-cook hamburger patties made mouthwatering with fresh bacon bits and cheese and is priced at $12.49. Right across the aisle in the frozen section there’s a 10-count box of plain, frozen hamburgers for $9.99. Suddenly, saving $2.50 doesn’t seem worthwhile and you splurge because the fresh, mouthwatering ready-to-cook hamburgers are simply irresistible. The point, of course, is perceived value — you’ll have to base your business’ product and service prices on their value. However, that’s just one factor of many others which go into pricing. Here are some steps you can take to help you set the right price: Learn about demand in your area. No matter how wonderful your product or service might be, if there’s no demand for it in the area, it won’t sell. Think about the old sales joke, “Selling ketchup popsicle sticks to customers in white gloves.” Obviously, people wearing white gloves have no need for such a mess. The same holds true for demand in your area. If you’re selling snow shovels, it’s should be to consumers in climates where it snows. Check out competitors’ pricing. This is a simple way of learning what consumers will pay for a product or service. Of course, you should only rely on established prices by flourishing businesses. Always factor-in costs. There’s no getting around the fact that it costs money to run a business. Even freelancer contractors have operating costs. For brick-and-mortar operations, there’s rent, utilities, insurance, inventory, employee pay and benefits, and other costs. Be willing to discount. One way retailers sell products is by offering discounts. This is a great strategy, if it doesn’t wipe-out your margin, or it’s a one-time deal to establish a relationship for future business. Don’t undercut simply to attract business. A big mistake that some new to business make is to undercut competitor pricing, only to learn the hard way they can’t deliver. After all, it does no good to attract business if customers aren’t receiving what they expect. Pricing is a science and an art. The science is an equation based on your Labor + Materials (Cost of Goods) divided by your desired Margin or divisor. If you desire a 40% Gross Profit Margin (the amount left over after you cover your Labor and Materials), then your divisor is 60% and not a 40% markup. Using a 60% divisor based off your Cost of Goods will yield a 40% Gross Profit Margin. A mistake many businesses make is to mark up their Cost of Goods which yields a lesser Gross Profit Margin closer to 28%. We call this “Profit by Accident”. Because it is feasible to guarantee your business makes a profit, we developed our “Profit by Design” strategy. Contact us for a complimentary consultation to review your pricing strategy and learn more about “Profit by Design”. Now, what about the art of pricing? The art is in the research, testing, creative marketing and demand for your product or service and how you promote its value. The art is in your ability to pivot and massage all of the components (labor, materials, overhead, marketing, value, customer perception, etc.) to work together. Combined, you will develop a pricing strategy that proves out in your bottom line profits and more money in your pockets! Pricing is a delicate balance, but with some research and a bit of critical thinking, you’ll be able to set prices for your business’ products and/or services. Do you know and understand your pricing strategy, or is yours Profit by Accident? [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”26833294″]

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So, You and Your Business Partner always Agree – Why that’s Really Bad News

“If two people in a relationship are the same, one of them is unnecessary.” You’ve probably heard this worded in one way or another. And, it does demonstrate a very good point. Often most attributable to romantic relationships, it’s just as true for business partnerships. After all, opposites attract and we’ve seen successful pairs throughout history. Take for instance Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. One, a marketing genius. The other, a hardware guru. And, completely different personalities. Winston Churchill and General Bernard Montgomery are another unlikely pair. But together, an unstoppable force. So, why is that? Why Business Partnerships are so Difficult The truth of the matter is, the business world is a tough environment. Partnerships supposedly make it easier. But, there’s the notorious five D’s of partnerships: death, disability, disinterest, drugs, and divorce. Each one alone can split up a business partnership. Successful startups often have partners who have different strengths. One person might be the technical genius, while the other takes what they do and sells it to the masses. Having two personalities allows each individual to grow. If you can’t be challenged by a partner, you probably shouldn’t be in business at all. —Fast Company.com Why do business partnerships fail so often? It could well be one of the five D’s. Then again, it could also be the two are too much alike. That takes us right back to the notion that if two people are the same, one of them isn’t necessary. Why Your Business Partner should be Your Polar Opposite Now, let’s take a quick look at why your business partner should actually be your polar opposite. Sure, it seems counterproductive and most certainly feels counterintuitive. But, there are the following advantages: It brings strengths to the surface. A business partner who is your opposite will more clearly define your weaknesses. Hence, reveal your strengths, in the process. By the way, that’s a two-way street and the same will benefit your partner. Ultimately, making it a win-win scenario. It allows both of you to learn and grow. When your business partner is the opposite, you’ll begin to see things from a different perspective, over time. That’s also a good thing because both of you will learn from one another and grow as a result. It creates a more dynamic environment. Friction is a difficult phenomenon but it is very productive at the same time. Being challenged gives rise to a number of positives — a dynamic environment is just one example. It allows you to leverage your differences. Your differences can also be a real source of inspiration and productivity. Use your differences strategically and you’ll find them advantageous in more ways than one. What other advantages are there to having such opposites? Have you found working with someone who is totally different is more beneficial? Please share your thoughts and experiences! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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