Microsoft will Ditch its Own Tech in Favor of Rival Google — Here’s What it Means to Your Business

If you haven’t heard this news, that’s okay. It’s really a niche story but it does make a very important point. Here’s the short version. Microsoft tried to create its own web browser to replace Internet Explorer. It’s known as “Edge.” And, the code behind it has proven too troublesome. So, the software giant will build a new web browser-based on the technology Google uses to power Chrome.

What it Really Means to Reinvent the Wheel

Let’s get to the real meat of this cliché. Like many other adages, it’s a truism. The reason people say it is precisely because it is an unavoidable fact. It makes a very blunt point. That is, the wheel already serves a purpose and there’s no need to try to come up with something better because it works so well.

The general public typically has a distorted view of entrepreneurship. They think of visionary leaders who created something no one had ever seen before and became household names in the process. While it’s true that some figures have achieved this level of notoriety, the reality for 99 percent of entrepreneurs is very different. Their success is based not on creating an earth-shattering new product from scratch, but on learning what their customers want, making user-centric adjustments to existing products or services and providing it for them.

We’ve all heard the saying more than one time. But, it still alludes business leaders who believe they can do “it” better, whatever “it” might well be. Call it hubris or stubbornness, it can get the best of the best.

How Entrepreneurs can Avoid the Reinventing the Wheel Trap

So, how does one avoid the temptation to reinvent the wheel in business? It’s not simple because the urge is so very strong to come up with the next big thing. Here are three ways to avoid the reinventing the wheel trap:

  • Take a step back. If you feel the compunction to try to reinvent the wheel, take a step back look at the big picture. Take a deep breath and think about how to incorporate what you need that already exists instead of trying to come up with something new.
  • Ask for team member input. Okay, here’s another cliché, “two heads are better than one.” And, it’s also a truism. Getting different perspectives and points of view can really work wonders.
  • Apply your existing resources. You might already have the tools on-hand to accomplish what’s needed. Put those to good use rather than putting a lot of extra time and effort into something which might not pay off.

How do you avoid the urge to reinvent the wheel? What practices work best? Which steps can other entrepreneurs take to avoid this mistake? Please, comment and give us your experiences!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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How to Protect a Business Against Vandalism

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