Most Effective Ways to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Improving customer satisfaction is a never-ending pursuit. It’s not like any company can fully reach 100 percent customer satisfaction. Although, that certainly doesn’t mean it isn’t worthwhile to strive for as high as rate as possible. So, just how do you improve customer satisfaction?

Best Methods to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Let’s start from a realistic baseline. We’ll blow-up the old adage, “the customer is always right.” Because, we all know, this is a good rule of thumb but isn’t universally true. However, it’s equally as true, happy customers help sustain and create additional business.

As business owners, we’d all like to think of ourselves as providers of great customer service. As small business owners in particular, it’s quite possibly your biggest differentiator. After all, how often is it that you walk into a national chain restaurant and are greeted by name, handed your favorite drink and made to feel like part of the family? But great customer service is also about knowing how to handle problems, responding to and resolving issues—something at which agile small businesses can often excel.
U.S. Small Business Administration

One of the best ways to improve customer satisfaction is to eliminate repetition. Now, this is a difficult task but it’s not impossible.

A full 72 percent of consumer attribute poor customer service to having to explain their problem to multiple people. Meaning, people seriously dislike repeating themselves to multiple employees. Instead, funnel such situations straight to where they must ultimately go.

Most Effective Ways to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Now, that’s a huge piece of improving customer satisfaction. But, it isn’t the only way you can make your customers happier. Here are a few more helpful suggestions:

  • Monitor social media. An old statistic states if someone is dissatisfied, they’ll tell 7 to 10 people. But if pleased, will only tell between 2 and 3 other individuals. Today, those numbers are much larger due to social media. So, that’s a key place to follow.
  • Lend a helping hand. Somethings require a bit of a learning curve to understand and eventually master. If you are selling something requiring a learning curve, offer a means to explain it. A manual or a video will work nicely.
  • Give customers rewards. No, not every customer should receive a reward. But, your most valuable definitely need such adulation. If possible, make it personal for an added touch.
  • Provide flexibility. Along the same lines of eliminating repetition should be the ability to offer flexibility. Simply put, give more team members the power to make decisions that can resolve issues.
  • Prevent problems. Another great way to improve customer satisfaction is to prevent problems. For instance, if someone purchases two items and they aren’t compatible, offer a heads-up and alert them.

What other practices improve customer satisfaction? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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