How to Tell When a New Business Client is Lying to You

We’ve all been betrayed in one way or another. Some situations are worse than others. But, all things being equal, it’s better to be safe than sorry. There’s an old saying in the real estate industry, “Buyers are liars.” (Although, this is true in just about any line of work, law, financial, retail, and countless others.) The point being, human nature is what it is and there’s just no way around it.

Why It’s so Important to Avoid Liars

Okay, you can probably think of a dozen reasons liars can be trouble. They cause feelings of betrayal, anger, resentment, regret, and basically a whole host of negatives. But, even if you’re able to get past the personal hurt, there’s the logistical fallout.

The vast majority of customers are truthful. But the lying happens often enough to get under your skin. What’s more, deceitful customers pose a risk to your business. If they’re willing to lie to you, what does that say about their character? Would they also be willing to fabricate an errors-and-omissions claim for personal profit? —

Such consequences include but not limited to: being embarrassed by peers, trouble with client relations, upset in the workplace vis-à-vis team members, and plenty more circumstances. Plus, just a single lie can hurt your bottom line in a serious way.

How to Tell When a New Business Client is Lying to You

So, how do you spot a lie before it causes all sorts of trouble in your business? Well, it isn’t easy, there’s no question about it. But, there are some ways to tell when a client is lying to you, like the following:

  • It sounds too good to be true. Okay, this is probably cliché’ but it’s nevertheless true. When someone tells you something that sounds too good to be true, it more than likely isn’t true. What’s most problematic is that in the moment, it’s easy to fall for.
  • Their social media is a red flag. Some con artists make their lives to look out-of-this-world, luxurious and exciting. Others have absolutely no social media presence at all. In either case, it can tip you off to someone who is trying to hide something because there’s no information at all. Or, a person who is trying to fool everyone else by making their life look irresistibly envious.
  • There’s difficulty answering simple questions. Here’s another bit of advice you’ll hear from experts on the subject of lying — the fibbers might have a lot of trouble with answering simple questions. (Conversely, when there’s inconsistent but a lot of detail, that’s also a telltale sign.)
  • His or her past tells a completely different story. If you have a bad feeling, listen to your inner voice and get a bit of background from people in his or her past (if possible). Just asking a few key questions can tell you a lot, a whole lot.

What other advice do you have to offer through your experiences? Please comment and let others know!

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