5 Steps to Immediately Take when a Business Partner Quits

We’ve already gone over the most common signs a business partnership is in trouble. Dave Ramsey is well known for saying that “The only ship that won’t sail is a partnership.” Indeed, far many more business partnerships fail then succeed. But, what happens after a partner leaves the company? What do you do then?

5 Steps to Immediate Take when a Business Partner Quits

Your first step — and perhaps the most important step — is to take a step back. Don’t panic. Even if it’s abrupt, now is not the time to come apart at the seams. Though easier said than done, it’s imperative to remain calm in order to think clearly. If you don’t maintain control, it will only add to the anxiety and uncertainty.

At the beginning of any business partnership, the partners usually envision a long-term relationship. Unfortunately, expectations notwithstanding, longevity is often limited; the goals and expectations of the individual partners will change at least to some degree over a period of time. This is why an exit strategy must be developed by and between all partners. It will ensure that if one partner leaves the company, his or her absence will not destroy the integrity of the company and its ability to stay afloat. —Entrepreneur.com

Second, get in the know. Jump into his or her schedule, work product, etc, and find out exactly what’s been going on. This is where you’ll learn what he or she was actually doing. And it could reveal some very upsetting findings. Although, if his or her work was exceptional, that too might also cause you to panic because now it’s an even bigger role to fill.

What to Do when a Business Partner Leaves

When a business partner leaves the company, you not only have to remain calm and learn exactly what’s been happening in his or her roll, you’ll also have to do the following for the sake of continuity:

  • Assess what’s necessary. Next, you’ll need to take on at least some of his or her job roles. It’s really dependent on the particular situation, but you might consider absorbing one or more of his or her roles in the business. In the alternative, it might be better to parcel the work out to others within the company, or even outsource.
  • Delegate responsibilities. If your former partner had people under him or her, these people will likely have a wealth of knowledge. They are also ideal candidates to delegate responsibilities. That will help to keep things going without really missing a beat.
  • Formulate a plan for the future. Once you’ve filled the void and things settle down, it’s time to think about what to do in the future. Even if you don’t take on a new business partner, it’s important to have a continuity plan for the sake of the company. This is where an experienced business consultant or coach’s advice can really come in handy.

What other advice do you have? Please comment and let us know your thoughts and experiences!

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