Microsoft just Demonstrated Why the Hard Sell doesn’t Work — Again

Microsoft just undermined its launch of its newly released Edge browser by hard selling it. You may not know about this because it’s niche-worthy news. But, it’s a lesson that the company should have learned many years ago. Instead, it continues to make the same mistake over and over again. Here’s what it is, what it means, and why it proves the hard sell doesn’t work.

Why the Hard Sell doesn’t Work

Microsoft recently introduced a new version of its Edge browser. In order to promote it, the company shamelessly inserted a conspicuous ad in its Windows 10 menu. The advertisement “suggests” that users switch from their current browser of choice over to Edge. Of course, people don’t like this assertive tactic and are taking to social media to complain about it.

Small-business owners successful at sales know the best way to sell something is not to sell it. You listen to potential customers about what they want or need, and then you introduce your product as the answer. You want people to think buying your services was their idea. —American Express

Turns out that Microsoft is not willing to learn from its many repeated mistakes of the past. That is, the corporation’s insistence on pushing its customers into buying or using proprietary products and services that are promoted through the company’s various platforms.

This is not only annoying, it’s obnoxious. Plus, it demonstrates the many problems with hard selling. There is no empathy, no relationship, no trust, and so it goes against human nature. Trying to badger people into becoming loyal customers is simply not a winning strategy.

3 Proven Ways to Sell without Being Pushy (or Obnoxious)

So, how do you promote your products and/or services without hard selling? It’s actually easier than one would think. Better yet, it works and works very well. Here are three effective ways to sell without being pushy or obnoxious:

  • Take your time. Rushing will only backfire. When you sell at a hurried pace, you don’t give your customer enough time to process what you’re offering. It’s confusing and overwhelming and unsurprisingly, it typically won’t work.
  • Let potential customers do all the talking. Well, maybe not all the talking, but most definitely, the majority of it. This way, you’ll learn quite a bit about him or her and gain a better understanding of his or her needs. You’ll be regarded as empathetic and trustworthy and those two key elements are important to building any relationship.
  • Focus on their problem, not your product or service. This goes hand-in-hand with the second point. You need to understand precisely what their problem is in order to offer an effective solution. You won’t be forcing a sale, but rather giving them answers they need.

What other strategies do you use in-place of hard selling techniques? Please comment and share your thoughts and experiences!

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3 Top Business Relocation Considerations

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7 Challenges Every Bootstrap Entrepreneur Faces

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Out-of-Date Phrases Small Business Owners Should Stop Using Around Gen Z Employees

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