What to Do When Your PPP Money Runs Out

What do businesses do when their PPP or Payroll Protection Program funds run out? While small companies can apply and receive relief, that money is only finite. It will go just so far before it’s gone. And, once it’s gone, it’s gone for good. Even organizations with business interruption insurance benefits have limited resources. Eventually, the cash will run out. So, what do small businesses do then?

PPP Loan Forgiveness Only Solves One Problem

It’s important to remember that PPP loan forgiveness — while most certainly helpful — merely solves one problem. Meaning, there are still other debts and obligations to pay and to meet. That alone reveals the fact there’s a lot more to doing business than just compensating employees. Vendors, contractors, and others also need to be paid.

The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll. SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities. —U.S. Small Business Administration

This gets to the heart of the larger issue — the inescapable reality of the business world. Put another way, if someone paid off one of your personal debts and you had five, six, or ten more, while that’s a blessing and it’s appreciated, it does not get you totally out of debt. Businesses don’t operate that way because there’s always additional obligations.

What to Do When Your PPP Money Runs Out

Since businesses stay in a cycle of dynamics, with revolving credit and monthly bills, and they apply and receive PPP money, what can they do once those funds are gone? Here are a few suggestions that might prove helpful to your business:

  • Offer invoice financing. Instead of requesting (or demanding) the entire invoice amount to be paid, give them the option to finance their outstanding balances. You can charge a small fee and/or interest rate — so long that it’s legal and ethical.
  • Ask suppliers for extensions. For businesses that owe other businesses money, it’s worth a shot to ask for some more time or at least try to establish payment arrangements. This will help to take off a little pressure and to free up some cash.
  • Review personnel staffing choices. Most businesses already have or will soon, be forced into this scenario — assessing which team members aren’t essential. It’s a tough spot but because employees most always represent the largest expense, this can’t be ignored.
  • Consider liquidation or selling equipment. Another thing you can do is to sell off non-essential equipment, if available. Or, liquidate some inventory or materials. These are all difficult decisions but they could mean the difference between staying in business and going out of business permanently.
  • Offer new services that are in demand now. Look at what services are in demand now that may be in line with your service offerings or a close extension thereof to provide immediate cash flow. Quickly shift to provide those services by promoting them to your current customer base and use social media to get the word out. Several industries and businesses have done this in recent weeks.

What other suggestions do you have? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Help! My Sibling is Sabotaging Our Small Business – What Should I Do? We all know that running a small business can be challenging. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and the right team to make it successful. But what happens when the person who is supposed to be your right-hand man or woman turns out to be the one sabotaging your business? Below, we’ll discuss some practical steps you can take if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation. Recognizing the Signs of Sabotage Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first discuss the signs that your sibling might be sabotaging your business. Here are some common indicators that something is seriously awry and that you’re suspicions are probably valid: Your sibling consistently misses deadlines or fails to complete tasks. He or she spreads negative gossip or talks poorly about the business to others. They withhold important information or resources from you. Your sister or brother makes decisions that negatively impact the business without consulting you. They take credit for your ideas or successes and do so without including you or specifically attempt to exclude your time and effort. If you notice any of these behaviors in your sibling, it might be time to take action. But, don’t just leap without thinking things through. You need to take a step back and look at the entire situation with a realistic perspective. Addressing the Issue with Your Sibling The first step in dealing with a sabotaging sibling is to have an open and honest conversation with them. Make sure to approach the conversation calmly and objectively, and avoid making accusations or placing blame. Instead, focus on how their behavior is affecting the business and your relationship. During the conversation, try to understand the reasons behind their actions. Perhaps they are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with their role in the business. Or maybe they are dealing with personal issues that are affecting their work. Whatever the reason, try to work together to find a solution that benefits both the business and your relationship. Creating a Plan of Action Once you’ve had a conversation with your brother or sister, it’s time to create a plan of action. This plan should address any issues that were brought up during the conversation and outline clear expectations for both of you moving forward. Some things to consider when creating your plan of action include: Clearly defining each person’s role and responsibilities within the business. Establishing regular check-ins to discuss progress and address any concerns. Setting up a system for open communication and feedback. Identifying any areas where additional support or resources may be needed. Remember, the goal of this plan is to create a healthy and productive working environment for both you and your sibling. It’s not – by any means – to establish a rivalry or force a hierarchy. Seeking Outside Help If you’ve tried addressing the issue with your sibling and creating a plan of action, but things are still not improving, it may be time to seek outside help. This could mean hiring a business coach or consultant to help you navigate the situation, or even seeking the advice of a professional mediator if the situation is particularly difficult. Remember, there is no shame in asking for help. Running a small business is hard enough without the added stress of dealing with a sabotaging sibling. Seeking outside help can provide you with the guidance and support you need to overcome this challenge. What We’ve Learned Dealing with a sabotaging sibling in your small business can be a difficult and emotional experience. However, by recognizing the signs, addressing the issue, creating a plan of action, and seeking outside help if needed, you can overcome this challenge and continue to build a successful business. Want to Accomplish More? Do you want your company to grow faster and earn more while you spend more time with your family doing all the things you started your business to do? We can make that dream a reality. Give us 30 minutes and we will show you how to get your life back. Skeptical? Good! Put us to the test. You can call us for your free appointment at 602-435-5474, or, if you prefer, send us an email. You can also visit us at Waters Business Consulting Group to learn more about us and the services we offer.

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