How to Think Clearly when Times are Crazy

Only a few short months ago, the economy was on fire. Then, a slow moving disaster crept across the globe. Shortly after, the coronavirus pandemic triggered a drastic response. An almost total shutdown ensued. Now, re-openings are happening everywhere. But, the unprecedented reaction upended so much, it’s very difficult to return to normalcy. And, it’s enough to make your head spin.

The Real Cost of Rash Decisions

Rash decisions typically equal regret. But, it’s not just the let down. It’s also the waste of time and money. We all know this, which is precisely why we instinctively hate making rushed decisions. It’s the reason we take time to understand the circumstances. But, when the pressure is on, it’s difficult to resist in the moment.

…we need information and we need help to face our problems. But we can only arrive at the solutions by ourselves. The trick is giving our minds the space they need. —Psychology Today

Everyone responds to stress differently. Although, there are most definitely commonalities. Fast heart beat, perspiration, even trembling, are all physical symptoms. Then, there’s the toll it takes on your emotions and it becomes very difficult to think clearly.

Effective Ways to Think Clearly

So, just how do you clear your head? Most people will take a deep breath (which makes the list below). But, sometimes, that’s not enough. Here are some helpful suggestions for how to think clearly during crazy times:

  • Take a deep breath. Okay, this is an obvious bit of advice. But, it bears repeating because it’s not only simple, but often, effective. Taking a moment to slow down and breath deeply can work wonders. Unfortunately, this isn’t always sufficient.
  • Focus on the problem, not the outcome. While taking a bit of time out might help, it could fall short. If you’re worried about the outcome, that’s perfectly normal. But, if that worry is preventing you from taking any action, then focus on the problem or process and not the potential outcome.
  • Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Of course, it’s always best to plan. So, follow the old adage and plan for the best result while being prepared for the worst case scenario. If you can’t completely sidestep a bad outcome, at least mitigate its impact.
  • Solicit advice from several sources. Two heads are better than one. This not only gives you different points of view, it also helps to take the pressure off and gives you more options. Remember, you don’t always have to make decisions alone.
  • Set the situation aside and work on something else. Another great way to clear your head is to occupy yourself with something else temporarily. You’ll get the satisfaction of completing a task and it gives you time to think a bit outside the box.
  • Meditate and/or Pray. Find a moment to be still. You could do this during your breathing exercise noted above. Calm your mind. Find a moment to listen to your breathing and close your eyes. Now meditate on all you’ve been given and how grateful you are for what you have. Thank God for the challenges and opportunities your dealing with and trust Him for His guidance and wisdom to get you through knowing he works all things for good.

What other suggestions do you have for thinking clearly? Please, take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences by commenting and benefiting others!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Business Succession Pros and Cons

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