How to Keep Your Sanity and Family Happy While Working from Home

Work-from-home roles have greatly increased over the past couple of months. And, for those continuing in their WFH capacity, there’s a number of challenges to overcome (or get used to in one way or another). In other words, a few weeks of working remotely might give you a taste of what it’s like. But, if it turns into a long-term scenario, you’ll need to know how to fight off the creeping insanity it brings in your life. So, let’s take a look at how to preserve your head and keep your family happy, too.

Biggest Work-from-Home Challenges

Okay, if you’ve worked at home over the past few or several weeks, you’ve probably encountered one or more challenges. For instance, distractions are among the top. This is probably the most ubiquitous problem. However, a bit of discipline will go a long way. Then, there’s noise. Others inside the house can create a lot of noise. The easiest fix, asking for quiet and working in a space away from the hustle and bustle.

Working from home comes with its own set of challenges. It’s important to have a quiet space where you can work, minimize distractions, set a routine, and focus on your goals for the day. Working from home with kids can add a new dynamic to your job. When our kids are on extended breaks from school and are sharing the same space, distractions can come more easily which can impact our productiveness. —Focus On the Family

Inadequate equipment. This will present itself at some point. Here’s the way to beat it — be proactive and list what you need, then obtain those items before their absence becomes problematic. No boundaries is yet another challenge. Family members will interrupt — it’s inevitable. Instead of letting it happen, set a system in place to prevent interruptions.

Effective Work-from-Home Success Strategies

Now, we’ll get into some ways to keep your sanity — and to keep your family happy at the same time. It’s not rocket science, but these strategies will prove worthwhile. Here’s what you can do:

  • Establish a routine. Now more than ever, it is key to establish a routine to keep your sanity, your focus and your productivity. Working from home can and will be a temptation to draw you into a relaxed sense of productivity as if it is the weekend.
  • Take regular breaks. Run an errand or step outside to walk the dog. Stroll around the block once or twice or trek up and down the stairs. The idea is not to stagnate behind a desk or elsewhere. Just take brief breaks during the day.
  • Don’t neglect household chores. If you’re working from home, you’ll probably want to avoid household chores. However, there’s win-win situations being missed. Throw in a load of laundry, put the dishes away. Mop, vacuum, or sweep the floor. When you do, you’re doing your family a favor (and yourself). Be careful not to let the household chores distract you from your focus on business responsibilities.
  • Entertain your children regularly. Kids need to be active. And, you can take advantage of this to get outside yourself. Go to a park, play a game of catch, take a stroll around the block. Do fun things with them and you’ll both get something out of it by taking a break and spending quality time with your children.
  • Embrace the power of work mobility. Now that things are beginning to normalize, it’s possible to get some work done at the local coffee shop. Or, sit out on the porch and make a few phone calls when it’s quiet.
  • Do small household projects now and again. Don’t ignore those little things around the house that need fixing. Instead, work on small projects incrementally and reap the reward of pride and the benefit of having a better place to live.

What other suggestions do you have? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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