How to Transition from a Self-Employed Job to an Actual Business

There’s a really big difference between owning your own job and owning a business. we’ve touched on this subject before, and how to tell one from another. But if you’re in this situation (read: predicament), You’re probably wondering how to transition or more particularly, transform, your self-employed job into a full-fledged business. it’s not necessarily a simple process, but it’s definitely not impossible, in the vast majority of cases. With the right advice, and a bit of vision and perseverance, you can make the transition from a self-employed gig to an actual business.

The Difference between “Owning” Your Own Job and Owning a Business

If you’re reading this article, chances are excellent that you are in a particular set of circumstances. That is, you don’t work for an established corporate entity, but do work for yourself. However, you’re a one person show. You do it all. Everything is up to you.

Most Americans love the idea of starting their own business and being their own boss. Who wouldn’t? If you already have the skills to deliver the product or service to customers, why would you not set out on your own? The sad truth is that most business owners in today’s world do not actually own their own business — their business owns them. They never learn how to create business models capable of producing both time and financial freedom. —Forbes

It’s you who is responsible for the productivity, the customer service, the back office stuff, marketing, and everything that goes into making it possible. But, you don’t have any employees, or contractors, or only occasionally rely on others to pick up when you simply can’t do it on your own. In other words, if you’re not working, you’re not earning. However, if you can leave the operation to others, and are not the soul producer, then you own a business. This represents the key distinctions between the two.

How to Transition from a Self-Employed Job to an Actual Business

Now, given those very stark differences, how exactly do you transform your self-employed job into a real business?  Basically, you’ll have to change and break a number of routines and habits. Here’s some helpful steps you can take to make the transformation happen:

  • Envision what you would like the business to eventually be. This is something that you’ll have to constantly revisit in order to make your dream come true. Even if you hire someone part-time, or get to a position where you have more than one full-time employee, you must always think about the next step up.
  • Expand your team. Okay, This sounds blatantly obvious, but it’s something that too many people in this position get hung up on for way too long. They might occasionally rely on a freelance contractor, or even higher on one or more part-time or full-time employees. But, they’re always focused on productivity, rather than actually expanding the business with marketing, networking, and more. Instead, bring in one person to contribute to the work at hand. Then, bring on someone else to help with the administrative side. You can repeat this process a couple or few more times to really build up a fully legitimate business.
  • How to Cash Flow Expansion. One of the greatest challenges for solo business operators, is to ensure they sufficient cash reserves and cash flow to capitalize their expansion.  Consequently, they simply accept their current status and don’t take on the risk to expand.  Frankly, your risk of starting your business was much greater than expanding!  This will help; Forecast or Budget what you estimate you will need in terms of capital to cash flow the next 6 months of expansion (new hires, added marketing, etc.), until the sales increase sufficiently to offset your increased cost of hiring support.  Then, the key is to offload your responsibilities that can be done by someone else, and only take on those responsibilities that brings in revenue and the highest value to your expanding business.

What other suggestions do you have to truly transform a one-person gig into a legitimate business? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your prospective!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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