Not Conducting Exit Interviews? Here’s What You’re Missing

An exit interview is conducted for two principal purposes. The first is to learn about the soon-to-be former employee’s experiences at the company. The second is to determine the reason he or she is leaving. Those are pretty straightforward and can provide valuable insight into how a business operates from an employee’s point of view. This is why large corporations establish these separation procedures. However, even small businesses can take advantage of what exit interviews have to offer.

Downsides to Holding Exit Interviews

Now, there are of course pros and cons to conducting exit interviews. The first and perhaps most obvious is that a future former employee May be unwilling and/or apprehensive about the possibility of burning bridges. In other words, you might not get the unfettered truth to every answer. Plus, it’s possible the person will go out of his or her way not to offer honest answers. Then, there’s also the possibility he or she will hold back information and that of course can undermine the entire exercise.
Exit interviews are conducted to generate feedback from employees with the goal to lower employee turnover rate, raise employee retention, and improves aspects of the organization as a whole. After conducting the interviews and reviewing the data, organizations will use the employees’ suggestions to create a better organization for which their employees want to work and succeed. —Work
What’s more, if you do get the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, your action on the other side can be very detrimental. After all, the departing employee might provide valuable insight into correcting certain issues or problems within his or her position that could benefit his or her successor and/or, the business as a whole. Failing to apply solutions could result in remaining employees knowing that nothing was done, and that can be quite damaging to morale.

3 Biggest Exit Interview Benefits

Obviously, companies conduct interviews as part of their business practices for good reason. And, as mentioned above, even small businesses can reap the same benefits. Here are the biggest advantages of conducting exit interviews:
  • Gain inside perspective. Managers, administrators, and owners are routinely surprised by what they learn through exit interviews. Because they are in charge at the top, they believe they have some sort of omniscient knowledge, but that’s certainly not always true. In fact, this is why third-party HR services offer exit interviews since they understand through experience that the upper echelons of companies aren’t always aware of everything that’s actually going on.
  • Discover unknown issues. Along the same line, it’s not only learning the intricate dynamics or the minutiae of a certain position, but also the problems and issues that affect said position being vacated. It’s not at all unusual for the exit interviewee to reveal certain points of friction or areas of frustration with the position they are leaving. This too is very valuable information and gives the company and opportunity to make key changes.
  • Increase employee retention. One of the main reasons companies conduct exit interviews is to gain knowledge of the benefits listed above in order to enact reforms or policy initiatives that serve the employees better. By doing so, the businesses are able to improve on their operational practices and that can also benefit other areas, such as employee cohesion, morale, and productivity.
What other advantages do exit interviews offer? Please take a brief moment to leave a comment and share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input. Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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