How Do I Actually Collect My Business’ Account Receivables

How do businesses actually collect their accounts receivables? It’s a tricky and often unpleasant process. But, one that’s absolutely necessary because it’s not only money owed, it’s time and effort already spent. More particularly, you can’t just avoid or ignore unpaid invoices. After all, your company depends on the money, regardless if you take up the task yourself or hire someone. Unfortunately, it’s a bigger challenge during such uncertain economic times.

Biggest Obstacles in Getting People to Pay Up

The most common difficulties in collecting accounts receivables can be enough to convince you to give up. People stonewall. They sometimes partially pay. Other outright elude. There are even individuals who’ll send in checks they know won’t clear the bank. All of these behaviors are sadly normal. But, making it all the more difficult is the current economic uncertainty.
Your business’s accounts receivable are an important part of calculating your profitability, and provide the clearest indicator of the business’s income. They are considered an asset, as they represent money coming into the company. —Business News Daily
The pandemic response resulted in both short- and long-term shutdowns. That put undue strain on many businesses. So, it’s understandable some would fall behind financially. Although, after a little while, you expect something out of them, even if it’s only an explanation as to why they can’t pay and a sincere apology. (Regrettably, the latter might just well be all that you’ll get.)

Ways to Collect Business Account Receivables

First of all, it’s critical that you have good accounts receivable practices. Being proactive definitely benefits your business. But, when invoices continually go unpaid, there are actions you can take. Here are three effective strategies to collect your business’ accounts receivables:
  • Act quickly when a payment is late. Do not make the mistake of letting receivables age. The longer an invoice goes unpaid, the less likely it is to ever be paid. Sure, it’s uncomfortable to pursue payment, but it’s necessary. Be kind but persistent and also be consistent as to your collection demeanor and actions. Reach out with friendly but stern reminders and follow-up regularly.
  • Offer recipients a decent discount. Of course, you naturally want every penny that’s owed to your business. But, if offering a discount means collecting the majority of what’s due, then it’s more than worthwhile. But, do not make the mistake of discounting further because it will only weaken your position. (Plus, there’s a cut-off point where it’s financially unfeasible.)
  • Provide an easy repayment plan. You can also provide recipients with a repayment schedule. Breaking up the total amount into a few or several installments might just do the trick. You can even charge a fee for late or missed payments. You can also suspend any new business during the repayment timeline.
  • Consistent communication. Most important, communicate to your customer, that they must communicate promptly and consistently and follow through with their commitments.
What other methods would you suggest to collect account receivables? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences. Your unique perspective could very well help a fellow entrepreneur out! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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