3 Effective Ways to Beat Zoom Fatigue

Zoom fatigue?!?! Yes. If you haven’t yet heard, Zoom fatigue is a real thing. The origin of the phrase is obvious. Still, some people are just hearing about it for the first time. Perhaps, because they are experiencing its symptoms. Regardless, Zoom fatigue can be harmful in a number of ways. So, read on to learn how to best deal with Zoom fatigue and what you need to know.

What is Zoom Fatigue?

Simply put, Zoom fatigue is a phenomenon that causes tiredness, along with worry and burnout. These emotions are due to the overuse of video or virtual communication platforms, most commonly videoconferencing. The symptoms come from excessive amounts of highly intense eye strain. Experts also say people seeing themselves during video chats also causes unnecessary stress and fatigue because their every movement is captured.
Do you audibly sigh every time you have to log on to what feels like your thousandth Zoom meeting of the day? You’re not alone. While we’re all more or less used to video calls and meetings being the norm now, the newly coined effect of Zoom fatigue hasn’t gone away. Since working from home is here to stay, video calls are here for the long run too. This makes it incredibly important to find a way to prevent Zoom fatigue from taking over your workday. —Forbes
Then, there’s the immobility of videoconferencing. Unlike speaker phone conversations, which are pure audio, people can walk around and think on their feet. But, that’s not the case with video. Lastly, there’s cognition overload, since non-verbal communication interpretation is so much more difficult between parties. All of these can contribute to Zoom fatigue, which leads to negative emotions, as well as poor work production.

3 Effective Ways to Beat Zoom Fatigue

Fortunately, there are ways to deal with the digital burnout. If you’re tired of videoconferencing, you are certainly not alone. But, there’s more good news. You can effectively combat the effects of Zoom fatigue by doing one or more of the following:
  • Disable the self-view feature. When you get up in the morning, get ready as you normally do, dressing up as a professional. You’ve done this countless times before and probably continue the habit, even while working remotely. Since you’ve already dressed up and are presentable, there’s no sense in looking in the mirror (or seeing yourself on video). So, turn off the self-view feature, which is one of the single biggest causes of Zoom fatigue.
  • Take regular breaks. Okay, there’s nothing magical about taking breaks. It’s obvious advice. But, it’s also something people forget to do when they’re working virtually because they aren’t in their normal workplace. However, breaks are necessary throughout the day. From time-to-time, take a few minutes to walk around, get outside for a little while, and take regular breaks.
  • Switch communications. If you’re feeling stressed and/or resentful of videoconferencing, then just switch up the way you communicate. Instead of video, use voice conferencing so you have more freedom of movement and can enjoy the benefit of thinking on your feet.
What other suggestions do you have to combat Zoom fatigue? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your unique perspective. After all, you never know who you’ll help out! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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