What to Do with an Unwanted Inherited Business

Owning a business is not something that everyone aspires to do. Sure, many people like the idea of being their own boss. But, there are definitely individuals who prefer to avoid the stress and anxiety of being an entrepreneur. Of course, there are many different sets of circumstances. For instance, children who follow their parents and run the family business, taking it over after their parents retire. Or, people who unintentionally fall into their own business without actually setting out to do so. For example, someone who inherits a business from a relative. Although this might seem a bit far-fetched, it does happen more often than one would think. So, what options are available to an heir who really does not want to take over the business?

Types of Inherited Businesses

Probably the most common form of an inherited business is a family company. Usually, the children grow up in and around the operation and are at least familiar with it. Other times, the children aspire to follow their own career path and never work in the organization. Additionally, there are heirs who inherit a family-owned business that they have never really been acquainted with whatsoever.
If you’ve inherited a company, there might be a lot of questions on your mind. You might not want to be an entrepreneur, or even if you do, you might prefer to work in a different industry. Even if you’re ready to take on the business, you might be unsure about how to deal with current employees and suppliers. —Nerd Wallet
Though these circumstances are far less common, they do occur. One prime example is someone who inherits a commercial property. That property is leased by several other businesses and generates a profit. The owners may not even be directly involved with the day-to-day operation and rely on a firm or individual to handle the necessities. These would include things like maintenance, repairs, negotiating leases, upgrades, and more.

What to Do with an Unwanted Inherited Business

Your first instinct could be to just sell it and be out of the situation as quickly as possible. But, if it’s generating a consistent profit, that might not be a wise idea. On the other hand, even if it does generate a profit and you’re completely unfamiliar with it, it could turn into a gigantic mess. Here are some possible options to explore:
  • Learn about the business. Regardless if you’re set on selling it or remotely considering taking it over, you’ve got to know what you’re dealing with first. It’s imperative that you educate yourself about the business in order to make an informed decision as to which way to go. Don’t make the mistake of letting your emotions take over. Instead, take at least a little time to understand precisely what it is and more importantly, how much it’s really worth.
  • Consider being an absentee owner. Although this is quite common in the business world, it’s always a risky proposition. And, it’s probably why you don’t want to get involved in the first place. If you let other people run it, you’re putting your trust into others and that could easily lead to a very regrettable set of circumstances. However, if it is something like commercial property and your relative was also an absentee owner, at least give it some serious thought.
  • Invest in the business. If you do want to give it a try, don’t go it alone. Bring in a business coach to guide you through the process of taking on an entrepreneurial role and become familiar with all it takes to head up this type of operation. If you find it isn’t a good fit, you can always sell it and move on.
What other suggestions would you give someone in this position? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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