Managers should Avoid these Phrases to Avoid Killing Employees’ Trust in Their Leadership

When it comes to the workplace, trust is key. Employees need to trust their managers in order to feel comfortable taking risks and be productive. Managers, in turn, need to trust their employees in order to delegate tasks and give them the freedom to make decisions. Unfortunately, many managers say things that damage this trust relationship. So, let’s discuss five of the most common phrases that managers use that kill employees’ trust.

Words can Speak Louder than Actions

Managers should avoid the following phrases in order to maintain a trusting relationship with their employees. Trust is essential for a healthy workplace and these phrases can damage that trust relationship. Employees need to feel comfortable coming to their managers with questions and concerns, and they need to know that their manager will be open and transparent with them.
The employee-manager relationship is one of the primary components to a strong organizational structure. Employees rely on their managers for career development and guidance on how to improve their skills. One of the elements of a successful employee-manager relationship is trust. When the sense of trust is strong between an employee and manager, it adds efficiency to other elements of workplace productivity. —Houston Chronicle Small Business
When managers use these phrases, it sends the opposite message. It makes employees feel unimportant and disregarded. It creates uncertainty and frustration, which leads to a lack of trust on the part of the employees. And that, of course, results in a negative impact on morale, productivity, and overall company culture — three poison pills that can cause actual, long-lasting damage.

Five Phrases Managers should Avoid to Avoid Destroying Employee Trust

We’ve all heard the age-old wisdom about sticks and stones breaking bones but words never inflicting harm. Of course, this philosophy is entirely contextual because we all vividly remember instances when words cut deep. While these phrases aren’t intended to insult or hurt, they nevertheless undermine your authority, respect, and relatability. So, avoid using the following phrases because they will slowly kill employee’s trust:
  • “I’m the boss, I don’t have to explain my decisions.” This phrase is incredibly damaging to trust. Employees need to feel like they can come to their managers with questions and that their manager will be open and transparent with them. When a manager uses this phrase, it sends the message that the employee is not valued and that their opinion does not matter. It also makes the manager seem like they are hiding something. This can lead to employees feeling uncomfortable coming to their managers with questions or suggestions, which can hurt productivity and morale.
  • “I’m too busy to deal with this right now.” This phrase often comes across as dismissive and unprofessional. It sends the message that the employee’s concerns are not a priority and that their manager is too busy to deal with them. This can make employees feel unimportant and disregarded. It can also lead to them feeling like they are not able to come to their manager with problems or concerns, which can hurt morale and productivity.
  • “I’ll get back to you.” This phrase often comes across as ambiguous and frustrating for employees. Employees want to know what is going on and they want answers from their managers. When a manager says this phrase, it sends the message that the employee is being ignored and that their question is not important. It also creates uncertainty, which can lead to employees feeling anxious and stressed.
  • “I’m not sure, let me check on that.” This phrase is often used as a way to avoid making a decision or taking responsibility. It sends the message that the manager is not capable of making decisions and that they are not in charge. This can make employees feel like they are not being taken seriously and that their concerns are not important. It can also lead to frustration and a lack of trust on the part of the employees.
  • “That’s not my job.” This phrase communicates that the manager does not care about their employees or their job responsibilities. It sends the message that the employee is unimportant and that their job is irrelevant. This can lead to employees feeling unvalued and unmotivated. It can also cause them to feel like they are not able to come to their manager with questions or concerns, which can hurt morale and productivity.
Which other phrases would you include in this list? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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