Elon Musk, Twitter, and Bogus Business Numbers Teach this One Simple Lesson

Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is full of drama. It’s one of the biggest deals in the world of social media. What makes it so fascinating is the many bomb drops that continue to detonate, drawing huge public attention. Among the latest is about the actual number of bots on the microblog. Musk threatened to walk away if the company can’t provide proof positive about the percentage of fake accounts, citing his offer was predicated on official SEC filings. Turns out, there might be a lot Twitter is hiding from the public and this is a prime teaching example.

Why Businesses should Never Mislead the Public or Consumers

As a business owner, you should be aware of the consequences of misleading the public. When businesses knowingly deceive their consumers, it can lead to disastrous results. Not only can it ruin your reputation and cost you customers, but it can also lead to legal trouble. In this article, we will discuss the consequences of misleading the public and why honesty is always the best policy.
One of the most influential propositions in marketing is that customer satisfaction begets loyalty, and loyalty begets profits. Why, then, do so many companies infuriate their customers by binding them with contracts, bleeding them with fees, confounding them with fine print, and otherwise penalizing them for their business? Because, unfortunately, it pays. Companies have found that confused and ill-informed customers, who often end up making poor purchasing decisions, can be highly profitable indeed. —Harvard Business Review
Deceptive advertising is one of the most common ways that businesses mislead the public. This can take many forms, such as false claims about a product’s effectiveness, exaggerated claims about sales figures, or even making false promises about what a product can do. In some cases, businesses may even resort to fraudulent activities, such as selling counterfeit products or engaging in bait-and-switch schemes. Consumers rely on businesses to be truthful about their products and services. When businesses engage in deceptive practices, it erodes consumer trust and confidence. This can lead to lost business and customers turning to your competitors. In addition, if you are caught deceiving consumers, you could face legal action from state attorneys general or the Federal Trade Commission. The bottom line is that honesty is the best policy when it comes to running a business. Misleading the public may seem like a quick and easy way to make a profit, but in the long run, it will only lead to problems. Be truthful about your products and services, and you will build trust with your customers that will last for years to come. Have you ever been misled by a business? How did it make you feel? Share your story in the comments below. And if you’re a business owner, remember – always be honest with your customers! It’s the best policy for ensuring long-term success. Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Groupon Teaches Us These Lessons About Discounts

Groupon is up in its latest earnings report. About 18 percent and that’s welcome news for the e-commerce discount platform. Headquartered in Chicago, Groupon launched in November 2008. It rose by leaps-and-bounds. That is, until recent years, when it experienced big time losses. In fact, its 2011 Q4 figures revealed a whopping $9.8 million loss. Ironically, that comes about a year after the Wall Street Journal forecasted it to reach $1 billion in sales faster than any other company in history. Today, it’s a different story. And, this business model teaches us all important business lessons about discounts. The Downside of Discounts Big companies aren’t immune to blunders. Right now, McDonald’s is trying a bold new experiment. There’s no guarantee it will work. But, the company won’t know unless it tries. Groupon’s saga tells us much about discounts. For participating businesses, Groupon vouchers do get more customers through the door. But the question to ask is if those same individuals would have patronized the business without a Groupon? Your marketing message plays a huge role in conveying the true value of your products. Even if your prices aren’t the lowest around, emphasizing the added value that customers get from your store, such as any guarantees you offer, personalized service or better-quality merchandise than the competition, can convince shoppers your prices are worth it. —Small Business Trends Additionally, there’s another phenomenon at play. A large majority who use a Groupon do not repatronize a partner business. After all, why pay full fare? Moreover, it does cause customers to seriously think about the value of non-discounted purchases. That starts a cycle. A business partners with Groupon. That business serves more customers during the discount period. Then, visits go back to the previous levels. If it comes at a net cost per ticket, there’s obviously no benefit. So, they do not participate in Groupon discounts again. Product and Service Discount Advantages But, this isn’t always the scenario. Some businesses gain a net plus from working with Groupon. Which means there are some distinct advantages to offering discounts on products and services. Here are the benefits to offering discounts to your customers: Attract more customers. It’s no secret people like deals. So, play to this by offering discounts on key items or services. You’ll attract new customers and this will increase repeat business at the same time. It’s a great way to advertise and to be seen as providing real value. Increase sales. With more new customers and repeat business, you’ll have more sales. If you choose the right discount strategy, you’ll come out ahead and that’s money you can use in different ways. For instance, you can purchase more inventory or put that extra sales money to other uses. Free up space. Discounts can help to free up precious shelf and/or cabinet space. This is a great move for small, independent retailers because it allows them to offload certain things to bring in new products. Bolster reputation. Offer discounts to certain people, like military and first-responders. This shows your business cares and that’s a positive for its reputation. You can do the same with elderly customers or families with small children. Do you offer discounts? If so, what kind and how much? Have you found discounts help or hurt your business? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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How to Best Help Your Remote Workers Avoid Burnout

Employee burnout. It’s a real problem, even when team members are working from home. (In fact, the issue can easily be exacerbated because there’s more pressure to perform amidst an atmosphere that’s not necessarily conducive to working and is also filled with distractions.) Just because people are working in a comfortable, familiar environment doesn’t mean they don’t still feel a sense of duty, responsibility, and pride. Ultimately, it’s these emotions which can undermine them and lead to employee burnout. So, read on to learn how to deal with these situations. Common Signs of Employee Burnout The most common signs of employee burnout are behaviors like disengagement, absenteeism, and lack of motivation and productivity. During virtual meetings and phone conferences, anyone who is suffering from burnout won’t be as engaged, will skip more and more meetings, and their attitude won’t reflect being motivated and/or productive. During any time of high unemployment, people are often afraid to take vacation, request work flexibility, or advocate for their work-life balance, mental health, and overall wellness–unless the company culture encourages them to. But with the added emergency-paradigm shift to remote work, which most workers and leaders alike have never experienced before, the challenges of how to communicate and find solutions to promote mental well-being are even more daunting. —Inc.com But, those aren’t the only signs of employee burnout. There’s also irritability, job dissatisfaction, and lack of achievement. People who are feeling burned out will probably be irritable, express to fellow team members their dissatisfaction, and will also tell others they don’t feel like they are achieving anything of value. 3 Effective Ways to Help Remote Workers Avoid Burnout Thankfully, there are ways to help remote workers avoid burnout. And, it won’t upend your operation or even cost very much. All you need to do is give them encouragement, let them have a good amount of autonomy, and say “Thank you,” in different ways. Here are some of the best ways to help your remote employees avoid work burnout: Acknowledge hard work. Just because someone isn’t in the office or on the job in a specific location doesn’t mean they aren’t giving it their all. As mentioned above, it can be very challenging to work from home precisely because it’s not equipped the same way as the workplace, and they must deal with all kinds of distractions. That means you should take the time to acknowledge their hard work. Focus on results, not hours. Sure, time spent on productivity is important. But, it’s certainly not more important than the end result. Instead of putting emphasis on the hours they spend “on the clock,” put your focus on outcomes — these are a far better measure of their efforts. Offer welcome and helpful perks. It’s also very helpful to give your employees some tools to reduce stress and access to positive experiences. Things like gym memberships, paid time off, and other perks can work wonders and bring a real strong return on investment. What other suggestions do you have? Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences to help others. Your unique perspective and input could be of great benefit! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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How To Network during Periods of Instability

Despite the reopenings across the country, many places have still yet to return to normal, pre-pandemic schedules. Several offices continue to allow employees to work entirely from home, or only require minimal in-office workdays, usually just one or two. Meanwhile, small business owners also continue to experience disruptions in their operations, due to a labor shortage, shortage of materials and supplies, and other abnormalities. Plus, several professional associations are not holding annual meetings, or have greatly altered, meaning mostly reduced, their events and in-person get-togethers. All of these unusual occurrences have likewise lead to fewer opportunities to network, but this form of relationship-building still remains essential. The Importance of Networking Consistently Even during normal times, regular networking is important for career professionals and entrepreneurs alike. It provides them with the opportunity to meet new people and gain a new perspective. Networking also helps them discover other types of opportunities, including career advancement, product innovations, and possible future alternative routes. Networking has always been essential to small business owners because it costs little to nothing and helps them create brand awareness. Small business owners use networking as a means to form relationships with others, in like or related fields, that help to expand their business’s ability to find new customers, partner, and grow. A key element to effective networking is to make you known. The premise being that the more people you meet, the more people there will be to get to know and remember both you and your business. You should use every professional and social opportunity to meet and connect with new people.–Olympia Benefits Networking also offers a few other benefits, such as improving social skills, being exposed to new environments, and forming new relationships, both professional and personal. In other words, networking isn’t just about selling products and services, it also is a prime environment for self-enrichment. Too few people see these qualities and only network purely for the sales aspect. Regardless, this relationship-building activity still remains extremely important, even though there are many abnormalities that persist, even well after the pandemic reopenings. How To Continue to Network during Unstable Times There have been periods in the past that have completely disrupted the entire business and economic landscape. Perhaps the most recent and largest in modern history began in earnest in 2008, continuing for several years and what is now referred to as the Great Recession. Although this was mostly related to the housing sector, its effects reached practically every corner of commerce in one way or another. Both business owners and consumers had to adapt, with people leaving long careers to go in entirely different fields of work. Similarly, business owners changed their models in order to survive and return when economic circumstances permitted. During this time, networking became very important not only to sell products and services but to find new opportunities. Here are a few helpful suggestions for networking during such times of upheaval: Change your mindset. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to overcome isn’t in external factors but is entirely internalized. That is to say, it’s very difficult to not only identify but change one’s mindset. Your attitude and outlook will have much to do with this and it’s critical to understand how your approaching the world as so many people’s lives and other businesses are still in a state of disruption. Be flexible with your schedule. Your old way of networking might still be partly or mostly intact. If so, that’s very good news and you won’t have to make many adjustments. However, if very little has returned to normal or is still in a state of flux, you’ll need to be flexible in order to find the time and places to network. This is also a great opportunity to think outside the box and identifies places where you did not network before. Temper your normal sales approach. Since things are not completely back to normal for everyone, it’s best to pull back on the sales talk. Instead, make it more about building new relationships, whether they are professional or personal. This might not be of big benefit now but could prove very advantageous in the future. What other strategies can be used to network during unusual economic times? Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your input! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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