In the Hybrid Work World, Some Perks are Disappearing, But Should Your Business Take Advantage

In the Hybrid Work World, Some Perks are Disappearing, But Should Your Business Take Advantage?

Summer Fridays were once widely embraced by businesses to boost employee satisfaction and provide adaptability in a highly competitive employment landscape that demanded companies offer certain perks and fringe benefits.

Back in 2019, a significant 55% of U.S. companies adopted summer benefits, allowing employees to either take Fridays off or depart early during the warmer months, as indicated by Gartner’s research. However, the onset of the pandemic in 2020 and the subsequent growth of remote and hybrid work models have seemingly diminished the appeal of this particular Friday perk for many companies.

Recent data from Flex Index reveals that 37% of U.S. companies now follow a structured hybrid approach, marking an increase from 20% in early 2023. Additionally, 32% of companies offer complete flexibility, while 31% maintain a full-time, in-office attendance requirement.

The surge in hybrid and remote work arrangements might be responsible for the decline in Summer Fridays. A 2023 survey by, a job recruitment website, reported that only 34% of U.S. workers were offered summer benefits. This data begs the question: how do companies deal with employee perks amidst a changing business landscape?

How Businesses Can Strike a Balance When Deciding Which Workplace Perks to Adopt and Which to Drop

Balancing workplace perks for small businesses involves considering the needs and preferences of employees, the company’s financial capabilities, and the overall impact on productivity and morale. Here are some steps small business owners can take to strike a balance:
  • Understand employee needs. Conduct surveys or hold discussions to understand which perks are most valued by employees. This can help in prioritizing benefits that align with their needs and preferences rather than guessing or relying on intuition.
  • Financial viability. Evaluate the cost of each perk and its potential return on investment. Consider the financial health of the company and the long-term sustainability of the benefits package. The answers you find may surprise you and it’s better to know definitively than to ballpark estimates.
  • Legal requirements. Ensure that the benefits package complies with all relevant laws and regulations, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • Flexibility. Consider offering flexible benefits that can be tailored to the individual needs of employees. This could include options for remote work, flexible working hours, or additional benefits like gym memberships or childcare support.
  • Regular review. Regularly review the effectiveness of the benefits package and make adjustments based on employee feedback and changing business needs.
  • Communication. Keep employees informed about changes to the benefits package and the rationale behind these decisions. Open communication can help to manage expectations and maintain morale.
  • Benchmarking. Look at what similar companies are offering to ensure that the benefits package is competitive within the industry. This also helps you to keep your employee retention high as they’ll have less incentive to go elsewhere.
Additionally, be sure to consider alternatives. If certain perks are too costly, consider alternative ways to achieve the same goal. For example, instead of offering a full gym membership, the company could provide a fitness stipend or organize group fitness classes.

By doing just a bit of research and listening to employee feedback and concer, small business owners can create a benefits package that supports the well-being and productivity of their employees while also being financially sustainable for the business.

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