Employees Have These Skills You’re Probably Overlooking in Your Business

Employees Have These In current conversations about emerging technologies like AI, workplace experts consistently highlight the critical role of human skills. However, eager to embrace the latest state-of-the-art tech, some companies may be undervaluing these essential qualities – characteristics that can be exceptionally valuable.

A recent Deloitte survey of 1,000 employees found that only 52% believed their companies prioritized “human skills” over technical skills. This perspective contrasts sharply with employees’ personal views: 95% described human skills as “always important” and “timeless,” with 87% identifying qualities like adaptability, leadership, and communication as essential for career growth.

Many employees also expressed a preference for employers to prioritize skills such as “teamwork and collaboration” over technical competencies like “AI integration and data analysis.” Without this emphasis on human skills, respondents worry it may have long-term effects. Specifically, 94% are concerned that future workers might lack the “necessary human skills” for the workforce.

While tech investments are clearly a priority for companies (average tech budgets increased to 5.49% of revenue in 2023 from 4.25% in 2022), there’s a notable gap in implementation. A survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas found that while AI adoption is growing, it remains far from widespread among employees. Additionally, 70% of respondents in Deloitte’s survey reported being trained on new technology, only to see it quickly become obsolete. Consequently, employees want more interpersonal development, like mentorship and shadowing, along with a stronger focus on human skills.

How to Identify Human Skills

Since employees and employers alike value such skills and they can be mutually beneficial to both people and businesses, it’s important to identify individuals who possess these traits. Here are some ways small businesses can pinpoint critical abilities, such as communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills in their employees:

Communication Skills

  • Observe how employees communicate with customers, clients, and colleagues. Do they speak clearly, actively listen, and express themselves well?
  • Review email and written communications. Are they well-organized, concise, and appropriate in tone?
  • Look for employees who are comfortable presenting information to groups, articulating ideas, and engaging in discussions.

Additionally, take note of employees who can explain complex topics in simple terms and tailor their communication style to the audience.

Collaboration Skills

  • Watch how employees interact and work with others on team projects or tasks.
    Do they contribute ideas, support their teammates, and share information freely?
  • Observe if they are able to compromise, resolve conflicts, and work towards shared goals.
  • Take special notice of employees who volunteer to help others and can take direction as well as provide it.

Also, pay attention to their personal disposition. For instance, if they demonstrate empathy, patience, and respect when collaborating.

Negotiation Skills

  • Evaluate how employees handle discussions around budgets, timelines, and other work-related terms. Do they prepare thoroughly, listen actively, and propose mutually beneficial solutions?
  • Identify individuals who can remain calm under pressure, make concessions when appropriate, and reach satisfactory agreements.
  • Look for employees who can effectively communicate their position, understand the other party’s perspective, and reach a compromise.

You should likewise keep an eye on their tactics. For example, if they are persistent yet flexible in their negotiation approach.

By observing these behaviors in day-to-day work, small business owners and managers can get a sense of which employees possess strong communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills. These soft skills or “human skills” are essential for success in many roles and can be just as important as technical expertise.

Want to Accomplish More?

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You can call us for your free appointment at 480-636-1720, or, if you prefer, send us an email. You can also visit us at Waters Business Consulting Group to learn more about us and the services we offer.

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