You Don’t have to Meet a Politician to Find a Hypocrite — Your Mirror Might just Reflect One

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just moved into a luxury apartment in Washington D.C. It doesn’t contain one affordable housing unit. In fact, the complex doesn’t even comply with D.C.’s Affordable Dwelling Units program. This, after campaigning on a platform which included “Safe, affordable, adequate housing for all.”

George H.W. Bush infamously said, “Read my lips. No new taxes.” LBJ promised the country not to escalate America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. George W. Bush campaigned, in-part, against excess government spending. Then, expanded several federal programs.

How Hypocrisy Hurts Businesses

The list goes on and on and on. Bernie Sanders, who rails against wealth inequality, owns three houses, has a net worth of about $2 million, and earns a six-figure salary. You get the idea. And, these are just a handful of politicians. It doesn’t include entrepreneurs, celebrities, professional athletes, and other public figures.

As a business owner or manager, it’s important to practice what you preach. If you require employees to be available 24/7 while you’re MIA, or you’re constantly texting on the job while you prohibit employees from using their phones, for example, your hypocritical behavior is sending the wrong message to employees, and they may resent you for it. —Business News Daily

Of course, hypocrisy is everywhere. When it occurs in a business environment, it’s very harmful. Hypocrisy undermines your ability to lead. After all, it’s essentially telling your employees to literally do as you say, NOT do as you do. You lose respect. It compromises your standing. Plus, it makes it very difficult for others to even work with you.

3 Key Ways to Avoid Hypocrisy as a Business Leader

Hypocrisy is a dangerous trait. It essentially subverts morale and threatens the very viability of a business. It can even go so far as to cause a self-inflicted implosion. So, just how do you avoid being hypocritical? Here are a few helpful suggestions for how to avoid hypocrisy as a business leader:

  • Practice self-awareness. You might call this “practice what you preach.” It’s an obvious reminder but one definitely worth mentioning. Every day, you should stay vigilant and stay self-aware about your own behavior. While it’s not rocket science, it’s quite difficult to put into practice.
  • Be consistent with decisions. It’s almost impossible not to have or even show bias. We all do it in a variety of ways. You might treat team members differently due to your own personal biases. When making decisions, consider all sides of the equation.
  • Actively solicit constructive criticism. It’s always good to encourage feedback from your employees (as well as your customers). And, doing so could reveal hypocrisy you commit but don’t consciously act against.

What other advice would you give about avoiding hypocrisy? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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