Help! My Business Partner doesn’t Help Run Our Business!

It’s said that the only ship that won’t sail is a partnership. Outside law and medical practices, few partnerships thrive, let alone survive. There’s a slew of reasons partnerships don’t work out. But, most entrepreneurs go into them because they’re optimists by nature. After all, it’s easy to imagine a worthwhile scenario, particularly when it’s someone who is trusted. However, many of these ventures fail and when it starts to go bad, it’s time to take action.

The Most Common Challenges Partnerships Face

The most common problems partnerships face are incompatibility, money issues, distrust, and then there’s a list of life events. These include death, drug abuse, disability, divorce, and other personal experiences. If that’s not enough, there’s always a divide between visions — one person wants to take the joint venture one way and the other, in another direction.
In an ideal business partnership, everyone contributes their time and labor toward making the company a success. When a partner isn’t pulling her weight, it’s essential to address the problem before resentments develop and the business suffers. In many cases, simply having a frank discussion can resolve your issues. —Houston Chronicle Small Business
What’s more, egos can also become a huge problem — especially when one person is the single source of inspiration. Or, disagreements about staff, expansion, and just about everything related to the operation and future of the business.

How to Deal with a Lazy Business Partner

Fortunately, there are ways to deal with a partner who becomes a bit lazy. If he or she is slacking off or just not producing whatsoever, there’s most definitely an underlying reason. Depending on the circumstances, you can try one or more of the following to deal with a lazy business partner:
  • Have an honest discussion. Like it or not, you’re going to have to confront him or her, but not necessarily in a confrontational manner. Don’t go into the talk with a bad attitude, or even one of superiority. Any hint of a negative vibe will only serve to turn them off and not cooperate. Talk about your visions for the company and all the good things that will come out of working together. Then, listen carefully to what he or she has to say.
  • Offer some temporary help. It could very well be that he or she is just going through some personal difficulties. Or, feeling a bit helpless and hopeless amidst the economic disruption. These are very common feelings and the good news is that they will usually pass. Offer him or her a little extra help and support, but put a time limit on it.
  • Provide a little flexibility. If it is just a temporary situation and he or she will bounce back quickly, don’t let him or her get overwhelmed too soon. Instead, provide them a little bit of flexibility and that can really work wonders.
  • Consider a total buyout. Obviously, not all circumstances will warrant staying in business together, there are most definitely situations that simply won’t work out, no matter how much effort you put in. So, explore your options to sever the business relationship, and a possible buyout scenario.
What other suggestions do you have for dealing with a lazy business partner? Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences so someone else can benefit from your perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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