How to Reassess Your Workspace Needs in a Hybrid Workplace Environment

Hybrid work schedules have become quite common. And, as the nearby quote from Harvard Business Review points out, hybrid workplaces are increasingly becoming more popular and might even be dominant in just a few years to come. If your business has begun to adopt this model or has already moved to this type of schedule, then you’re probably wondering how to increase its benefits for your business. One way to do this is to reassess exactly how much space your business needs to operate and perform its best without undue waste.

Hybrid Workplace Advantages

There are a number of advantages of hybrid workplaces. First and foremost is obviously employee satisfaction, as happier team members generally do better jobs and that of course benefits your bottom line. Another advantage is not having as many on-site materials and tools. In other words, it’s not necessary to have as many individual offices or cubicles, and/or PCs and printers as well as other peripherals.
By all indications the future of work is hybrid: 52% of U.S. workers would prefer a mix of working from home and the office, saying it has a positive impact on their ability to be creative, solve problems and build relationships. Global research tells us 72% of corporate leaders plan to offer a hybrid model, and only 13% say they expect to decrease their real estate footprint in the next year, suggesting that organizations will continue to leverage their workplaces within a hybrid work future. —Harvard Business Review
Additionally, a hybrid work model means that employees can better balance their personal and professional lives, which again comes back to their satisfaction and that is extremely advantageous to any business. What’s more, a hybrid workplace doesn’t always require as large of a physical footprint, which allows you to downsize and therefore save on your monthly expenses.

How to Reassess Your Workspace Needs in a Hybrid Workplace Environment

The very first thing you need to know is if a hybrid work environment will indeed work for your business over the long term. This will be fairly easy to assess if you’ve already adopted the hybrid model for several months or longer. But, if it’s still fairly new to your business, this evaluation might require quite a bit more time in order to make an informed decision If you are in a situation that has benefited from a hybrid work model for a substantial amount of time, then you can start to ask yourself where it’s possible to downsize and where it’s necessary to expand. For instance, you may not need as much physical office space but need to invest a little more in technology. Another consideration to take into account is your future plans to grow your business. If the hybrid model is only sufficient but not realistically scalable for your company’s future endeavors, then, of course, it’s best to play to your strengths rather than trying to force any other type of working model that just won’t produce the same outcome. What other considerations would you add to these? Please take a moment to share your own thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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